Minutes - 19820622
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 19820622
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4/3/2017 2:23:26 PM
Creation date
8/13/2008 12:34:34 PM
Meeting Type
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Agenda - 06-22-1982
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\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\1980's\1982
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LJ LJ~ .. •!_n <br />a request for a planned maintenance program. We were <br />put off one year. The l~guage comes out again tonight. <br />It could be one more year, do part of it now and maybe <br />one another part. That's behind system wide. <br />But as a Board we have a responsibility to spend the <br />public funds in the best way we see. We have no choice <br />under North Carolina law but to come to you for the request <br />for money. And'; it's, as we discussed among ourselves last <br />night, that's an unusual situation that North Carolina <br />finds itself in but nevertheless, that's the system we <br />operate under. And we do feel strongly that it's the best <br />use of public funds to do more than a band-aid approach. <br />Commissioner Wi7lhoit'responded: <br />Of course last year at this time we had questions of <br />consideration of when the State-wide school bond referendum <br />might be held and we're still to that point. Because the <br />needs that have been identified apparently are going to <br />require that kind of funding. <br />Mr. Cfland said "we were at that point four or five years ago." Commissioner <br />Willhoit said that Orange County had held a bond referendum within the past four <br />or five years. <br />There was a consensus among Board members to reduce the contingency ,fund. to <br />last year's level; suspend merits and fringes for one year;. reduce the amount <br />allocated to economic development to $25,000; and allow $10,000 increase for <br />legal fees for this year. The Board discussed other options for the budget in~the '; <br />areas of capital (schools'and County's), CBA funding for Shaeffer House, Protective <br />Services, per pupil expenditure, appropriation from County fund balance, and funding <br />schools at a level $50,000 below to permit their appropriating from their fund <br />balance. <br />There was a consensus among Board members to fund protective services at 2.ti additional <br />positions, rather than the Manager's recommended 1.6 additionalpmsit'ions or the Board <br />of Social Services' recommended 3.6 positions. The Board said its intent was for the <br />Board of Social Services to decide how to allocate the additional employees, i.e,. for <br />Child Protective Services or Adult Protective Services; the Commissioners are co cerned <br />about both areas. The Commissioners did request that the Board of Social Servic~s <br />monitor the situation closely and resort to the Board of Commissioners in about <br />four months. <br />There was a consensus among Board members to follow the recommendation received <br />from the Youth Services Task Force for funding. /See the Minutes of ,Tune 15, 1982, <br />for that recorrnnendatian.~ <br />Board members discussed various proposals far the budget; the Manager recom- <br />mended strongly against the County's going "beyond this $354,000 appropriated <br />fund balance." <br />
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