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6 <br />c~1?~J -~c~c~-~- 1 1 <br />1~` G~-~ 8 <br />c>f <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that the reason it increased might be because it was delayed <br />for one year. If it is continually delayed, the costs will continue to rise. He would like some <br />choices, if there are any. <br />Laura Blackmon said that the increase was related to construction cost increase. <br />Commissioner Nelson asked if the Board was comfortable with the Manager's <br />recommendation that she bring back a renovation timeline, project scope and costs for the Link <br />Center. The Board agreed. <br />Major points for staff direction: <br />1. Designate the land acquisition items as Lands Legacy items by putting the words "Lands <br />Legacy" and then ps/ash" before the other wording. <br />2. Look at minutes from October 28"', November 13"', and November 18"' and respond to <br />questions about CIP raised by the Commissioners and also follow up with Commissioner <br />Gordon about issues she raised tonight <br />3. Work on utilizing the bond monies for Twin Creeks Park and investigate using them to <br />create a linear park <br />4. Investigate using the remaining Soccer Super Fund for an Astroturf field at Cedar Falls Park <br />and make a presentation to the Town of Chapel Hill <br />5. Bring back a revised ClP to include an amount that accurately reflects implementation of the <br />Library Task Force report. <br />6. Evaluate projects that are not urgent as well as projects where funding has increased over <br />the last year, and see whether the funds can be reallocated <br />7. Have Manager look for other ways to fund stabilization of building at New Hope Park other <br />than the Link Center renovations. <br />8. Bring back a renovation timeline and project scope and costs for the Link Center <br />9. In the unfunded section of the CIP, list the unfunded land opportunities <br />10. Bond monies for Twin Creeks Park should only be used for Twin Creeks <br />~"' d. Educational Facilities Impact Fee Ordinance <br />The Board considered making a decision regarding an amendment to the Educational <br />Facilities Impact Fee Ordinance to adopt updated impact fee levels effective January 1, 2009 <br />and .providing for incremental increases until 2013; accepting the student generation rate <br />calculated in the TischlerBise, Inc. reports; and directing staff to begin the process outlined in <br />the Schools Adequate Public Facilities Ordinance (SAPFO) to update the student generation <br />rates used in SAPFO. <br />Perdita Holtz from Planning introduced this item. She made reference to the updated <br />agenda packet (hot pink). She reviewed the actions for the Board and the attachments. <br />1. Authorize the addition of Attachment 7 as Appendix C to the 2007 TischlerBise <br />School Impact Fee reports; <br />2. Accept the student generation rates calculated in the 2007 TischlerBise School <br />Impact Fee reports; <br />3. Adopt the impact fee levels and effective dates as detailed and contained in the <br />attached Ordinance; and <br />4. Direct staff to begin the process of updating and incorporating student generation <br />rates into the Schools APFO. <br />She summarized the information in the abstract. The recommendation is for the impact <br />fee levels to increase to 40% of the maximum effective July 1, 2009 and then 50% of the <br />maximum effective January 1, 2011. An additional increase to 60% of the maximum would be <br />