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Li~: "~ 1 <br /> <br />shed; she said the buffer strips under the Flood Protection Ordinance had <br />caused a loss of land; she suggested an adjustment to taxes for Orange County <br />citizens; she feels there is a lack of consideration shown for industry; and <br />is concerned about the size of watersheds. She feels the public did not have <br />sufficient input into the Water Resources Task Force that a County - <br />Commissioner should not Chair such a group. <br />Ben Lloyd--Member of the Water Resources Task Force and Board of pirectors <br />of the Orange Alamance Water System. He says he is -concerned about water quality <br />and supply. Mr. Lloyd addressed the recommendations individually. #1--he <br />questioned whether. ar not that would affect the transfer of water from Jordan Lake <br />~I to Orange County if necessary; # 4--he said no park sites were considered as <br />reservoir sites, specifically Ena Park; #5--he said Eno River should be consi~d- . <br />ered; # g_..said that McGowan Creek basin is his home andit's a .rural area and <br />that development could safely occur in watersheds; #10--cited Efland Estates as <br />an example where sewage problems must be addressed; # 11--with regard to Cheeks <br />Township being zoned, he said they don't like the Zoning Ordinance. as written and <br />would prefer a more acceptable form; # 12--he said no ordinance should control <br />the amount of land owned; # 14--He said an an-site waste disposal was precisely <br />what is being planned for Efland Estates and that sewage should 6e dealt with <br />a.ll over the County. <br />Commissioner Willhoit responded to Mr. Lloyd: Park sites had been considered as <br />as reservoir sites; that Efland Estates had been declared an imminent health hazard <br />necessitating prompt response and therefore, the proposed use of a package treatment <br />~ plant was not inconsistent with recommendation # 14._ <br />Logan Irvin--speaking a citizen and owner of Tand in the watershed-- <br />complimented the Board of Commissioners on .the Water Resources Task Force Report, <br />Rather than exempting minor subdivisions from development within watersheds, he <br />suggested empowering the Board of Adjustment to consider hardship cases. He <br />voiced concern over the proposed Cane Creek Reservoir, saying that farmland _ <br />needs to 6e saved too. He suggested perhaps drinking water from University Lake <br />and flushing toilets with water fr~n Jordan Lake. <br />Everett Billingsley--Director of OWASA--Said this was an excellent report <br />from the Water Resources Task Force. He read each recorrenendation aloud and laid <br />in summation that the County and OWASA must be bold in order to protect the children <br />of the future. (Clerk's note: Mr. Billingsley has provided me with a written copy <br />of his remarks and they are on file in this office with the agenda for this meeting.) <br />