Orange County NC Website
U~`35t3 <br />`! ~~~~ <br />¢-.. <br />APRIL, 26, 1982 <br />The Orange County Board of C~anissioners met in re9u]-ar session an Monday, <br />April 26, 1982, at 7:30 P.M. in. the Oa~remissianers' 1~otn, ~~ge ~mty ~~` <br />house, Hillsborough, North Carolina. - <br />Conmissioners resent: ri,_-;_,~*,^an R.iChard E. TnIlzitted, and Cbmnissioners Norm <br />C,~istaveson, Shirley E. Marshall, Nornr'1n WallcYr and Don Willhait. <br />A. Board Oasmients: <br />Oa~missicsier Willhoit asked about the Awxil;r~ for response to the (axe Creek <br />Envaxorunexital Impact Statement and the Oaunty's plans for such resp~se. Staff . <br />told ~issioner Willhoit that the Cane Greek EIS was scheduled for tY~ May,3rd <br />agenda and that Plarnzing Staff response was available now if the Board desired i.t. <br />Ccnmi_ssioner Wa7acex added-an item about the possibility of a local nrr7~nane~c? <br />prohibiting spotlighting of deer. <br />B. Audience CaRnents: <br />There were none. <br />C. Items For Decision By Board: <br />1. Addition of Chesidy Gircle in Oak Hills Subdivisicsi to the State maintained <br />system. Oa~gnissioner Marshall moved to appresve, seamded .by Conmi.ssicsier WilJhozt:, <br />the addition of (hesidy Circle to the State Seoondary Road System. Vote: Ayes, <br />5; nees, 0. <br />2. Public Hearing date far naro;ng Of State and n~-State maintained xx~ads. <br />7.'he Board set May 18, 1982, aS the date far the pub?-ic hearing an the State and <br />non--State maintained roads. <br />3. Resolution supporting passage of Statewide Ref?~°e_~?d+~+ on Clean Water Bonds. <br />Oartmd.ssiomer WiLlhoit moved, seconded by Cknmuissier~r Marshall, to adopt the <br />Resolution supporting passage of the Statewide referendum on Clean Water Bonds <br />(That Resolutiann is on page of this book.) During discussion, 0~-~~~~er •.- <br />Willhoi.t said that awaxding of Clean Water Bond money should not be contingent <br />upal-- obtaining other sources of funding; that there should be no "strings" on <br />the source of matching funds far Clean Water Bond money. There was a cronsensus <br />of the Board to include a statlt to this effect in the letter of t~n~+;ttal <br />to Triangle J Wuncil of Gav?rn~ts. Vote: Ayes, 5; noes, 0. <br />