Orange County NC Website
1010 r. <br /> 2. For Basic Transport, without instrument approach requires <br /> I 20 to 1 slope with surface is 500' wide near runway end, 1,000' <br /> long, 700' wide at outer end. For instrument runways, the surface <br /> has a 34 to 1 slope, 500' by 1700' by 1010'. <br /> 3. No approach surfaces are sham for proposed Midway A.ii.zpvrt- <br /> Haaever, the road on the south end and into the office complex <br /> violates these standards• it is likely that the approach areas <br /> on each end of the runway have trees or power lines that also <br /> are not in camplianee. The airport owner should control these <br /> arms to prevent obstructions which might be flight safety hazards'. <br /> I <br /> Mr. Irvin: Do you know if the owner controls that distance of approach? <br /> Mr. Lune: No, I don't.know. -- ---. <br /> Mr. Irvin: Don't the owner's plans show the bm rxiati'y lines at 250' <br /> beyond the runway? Does he control the other 7501? <br /> i <br /> i <br /> Mr. Luce: No <br /> Mr'. Irvin: Fcw many motor vehicle trips will be generated by this <br /> project? <br /> Mr. Cannity: The latest information'-is from DOT in 1981-for that section <br /> of Highway 54, it's 4600 trips; by going to acceptable standards, I estimate <br /> 378 trips per day for the airpark/warehouse and for the airport, based on the <br /> per acre number, about 450 trips, and based on air=aft about 780. <br /> Mr. Irvin: That's about 14,000-15,000 trips total per day. <br /> Mr. cannity: These figures are generally based on more urban areas <br /> than where this project is located. <br /> Mr. Irvin: Based or, the calculatio-s for the mxxnt of water and the <br /> number of trips, would you say this corresponds to a "fairly sizeable town?" <br /> Mr. cannity: For the.number of trips, I think in Orange County, only <br /> maybe I-85 or 15-501 in Chapel Hill would came close to that level of use. For <br /> the volume of water, the amount'' estimated, 130,000 is a reasonably small amount. <br /> Mr. Irvin: so, samabody, maybe the County, may have to someday provide <br /> increased services? <br /> Mr. Cannity: Someday, that's possible. I don't know if the Oounty is <br /> ready to do that now. <br /> i <br /> Mr. Irvin: I have some questions of Mr. Mehler. <br /> Mr. Mehler: May.I respond to those questions you asked the staff? <br /> i <br /> Chajnnan Whetted: We need to expedite this; you will have an opportunity <br /> at the end of the meeting to respond. <br /> Mr. Irvin: Does the Buck Mountain Ompany have the approach easements <br />