Orange County NC Website
i <br /> 0044D <br /> satisfied. We should have seen it before. We said we saw it before. <br /> Your office over on the wall, rather proudly displayed, has a pictorial <br /> presentation of the after but they don't have anything before and I <br /> think there should be a comparative analysis. Before and after. We <br /> were displeased^:with the satisfaction that we received from Mr. Kittre7l <br /> so we came down to talk to your County Manager. This County Manager <br /> listened to us for about 45 minutes and asked that we wait, he would get <br /> in touch with us shortly. This was on the day before New Year's... <br /> New Year's Eve. We came back again. He was out. We cane back a third <br /> time, he was out and on the 4th time he was out. And I dictated a letter <br /> to his secretary. I assume that his secretary presented him with this <br /> letter. We also brought the application for a reparticipaticn. Not- <br /> knowing that we would get on the agenda here, I called back because we <br /> didn't dictate this to the Secretary, and stated to the Secretary, add <br /> to that memo that if we do not see the County Manager prior to the colony <br /> treeting, Commissioners Meeting on Monday, we will take this case before <br /> the County Cormnissioners. C8n Saturday I received a letter here that I <br /> have in my possession from the County, your Oaunty Manager. I also <br /> received a letter cn Saturday from your crau=lity Development Specialist. <br /> Qr your ah ah Program Director. Cne was dated the 22nd, one was dated <br /> the 21st. You should have that in your folder, if you don't I'll I'll <br /> get it to you. I have it in my folder. Ah it does seem rather odd to me <br /> that I had waited from the day before New Year's until the 22nd to get a <br /> response and the thing that seems even more odd was on the Friday prior <br /> to the 22nd on having received the letter we went to Mr. Kittrell's <br /> office a fourth time. We met hair approximately 50 ft. from his office <br /> talking to a police officer. He stated at that thime that he had not sent <br /> out the letters of reference because the snow had detained he and his <br /> staff from doing so. They were closed before the snow and as a result of <br /> that we would have to wait about a week or two for the references return. <br /> Now if those references were the criteria an which he would predicate his <br /> decision what became the basis of justification for the decision rexx1exed <br /> in a second denial? If those letters of reference which he sent out in <br /> a form of this type asking please complete the questionaire and return <br /> and his decision was predicated on this then he shouldn't have'.,had a <br />