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00455'{. <br /> tD 4X) <br /> the work was completed May.14th. And then in add, then.. <br /> Mr. Levi (interrupting): Work was completed on May 14th? <br /> Chairman Whitted: That's the information we have. <br /> Mr. levi: So the work was completed after this letter was received? <br /> chairman Whitted- Yes, but the contract was signed March 24th. <br /> Mr. Levi: You received a letter from the City of Durham on April the 15th. <br /> Chairn�an Whitted: And t hen, using, he's using the ah the MOW from our Rehab <br /> Specialist as to loon that work was performed on that one contract that was <br /> signed March l7th in addition to the letter we received on April. the 15th. <br /> Then it was a decision of the ® Director <br /> (Chairman whi.tted continues but I can't understand, Mr.. Levi is interrupting) <br /> Mr. Levi: I'm confused; 2 don't understand your March 17th date at all.. <br /> Chairman Whitted: Well that's the date the contract was sighed, sir. That's <br /> tO rehab the house. <br /> Mr. Levi: All right, fine. And work started immediately after that? <br /> Chairman Whitted: It was authorized to proceed on the 24th of March. I'm not <br /> sure exactly when it <br /> Mr. Levi (intexr>ptiang): Sure. Sure. <br /> Chairman VIbitted: started. And in April we received a letter from the city of <br /> Durham. <br /> Mr. Levi: Yes. April the 10th. <br /> chairman Whitted: Then we had a mmio from our Rehab specialist on May 22nd <br /> saying-- <br /> Mr. Levi (interrupting); The job was completed on the 24th? <br /> Chairman Whitted: of March? <br /> Mr. Levi: yes. <br /> Chairman Whitted: No, it was completed on May l4th. <br /> Mr. Levi: On May 14th? <br /> Chairman Whitted: Right. <br /> Mr. Tevi: And the 22nd fran the Rehab was what date? <br /> Chairman Mhitted: May 22nd. <br /> Mr.. Levi. May 22nd, <br /> Chairman Whitted: Right. <br /> Mr. Levi: Right. <br /> Chairman Whitted: So those, that memo from the rehab specialist in addition to <br />