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00154 , <br /> that came frcm.the City of Durham was after Mr. Smith had a contract and <br /> was performing work ah in Orange County. Now <br /> Mr. Levi (interrupting): That is not true by the data that I have. And that <br /> is not true. <br /> Chairman Nutted: Well it is by what we have. What was the date that Mr. Smith <br /> was awarded the contract? <br /> Mr. Levi: Let Is go back and and date the chronology. <br /> chairman Wnitted. (interruptmg) : What was the date? <br /> Mr. Ievi: The chronology is important. <br /> Chairman Whetted: Okay, well what was the date that Mr. Smith received a contract <br /> from Orange County? <br /> Mr. Levi: Let's go back and and play the chronology. <br /> Coranissioner Willhoit: Well let's just go right with the <br /> (Ca[rAssicner Willhoit continues to talk but .I cannot decipher) <br /> Mr. Levi (interrupting): Well the letter went out ftan your office ear April the <br /> 2nd. The letter went out requesting reference cn the 2nd of April; we're <br /> ganna play the chronology. The letter went out cm April the second <br /> requesting reference. Alright, <br /> Chairman Whetted: Okay. <br /> Mr. Levi: The the an response was received or written and sent on April the <br /> 10th; April the 10th in respcnse to your letter of April. 2nd, 1982, regarding <br /> Kidd Smith. I submit the following: <br /> Chairman Whetted: Now. Mr. Mr. Devi let me just. Cause there's a date there's <br /> dates before that; now our information is that a contract was signed on <br /> March 17, 1981, that and work was authorized to receed proceed on March 24th <br /> and the work was completed May 14th. Now that was the job on Mrs. MacNeil's <br /> house that was done by the Kidd smith cony. Is that correct? Is that <br /> information correct? <br /> Mr. Levi: I don't have that in my hand at this time. I do not know.._ <br /> Chairman Whetted: Okay unintelligble <br /> Mr. T,evi (interrupting): Let me respond this way: I dcn't knew because there <br /> were two files and we asked to see the personnel and I think that this was <br /> the file that he didn't go into. <br /> Chairman Whitted: Tim information that this Board has was that the contract was <br /> signed, on March 17th, 1981, and work was authorized to proceed cn March 24th, <br />