ORD-2008-108- Zoning Atlas Amendment (Rezoning) Intersection of NC 54 & White Cross Road (Davis)
Board of County Commissioners
Ordinance 2000-2009
ORD-2008-108- Zoning Atlas Amendment (Rezoning) Intersection of NC 54 & White Cross Road (Davis)
Entry Properties
Last modified
4/29/2013 10:43:50 AM
Creation date
5/3/2010 4:04:41 PM
Meeting Type
Public Hearing
Document Type
Agenda Item
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b. There is approximately four point five (4.5) acres of existing property zoned <br />Neighborhood Commercial Two (NC -2) within the Node. <br />6. The applicant has not submitted any information indicating that the existing population <br />density, within the Node, has changed allowing for an increase in the allowable non- <br />residential acreage. <br />7. The Zoning Officer, while agreeing that the request makes sense given the issues <br />relating to the location of the septic system, finds that the request is inconsistent with the <br />requirements of the Ordinance. <br />RECOMMENDATION: Staff is required to recommend the Board deny this request due to the <br />following: <br />1. Approving the request, as submitted, creates a violation of Article Four (4) of the <br />Ordinance. Specifically, by approving the request there would be more NC -2 zoned <br />acreage than is permitted within the White Cross Rural Community Activity Node as <br />detailed within Article Four (4). <br />2. The applicant has failed to submit any documentation indicating that there are changing <br />conditions within the White Cross Rural Community Activity Node that would warrant an <br />increase in the total amount of non - residentially zoned property from five (5) to nine (9) <br />acres as prescribed within Article Four (4). <br />While staff understands the applicant's request, and supports the need for a reexamination of <br />the area, Ordinance is written in such a manner that the request cannot be approved at this <br />time. <br />Staff believes, however, that this situation justifies a comprehensive re- assessment of the <br />existing Rural Community Activity Nodes and the allowable levels of non - residential <br />development permitted within them. Staffs recommends the Board, at the appropriate time and <br />with a strategic plan, authorize the initiation of the Small Area Planning process for the White <br />Cross Rural Community Activity Node. <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT: This request has been reviewed by various County departments who <br />have determined the approval of the request will not create the need for additional funding for <br />the provision of County services. <br />NOTIFICATION PROCEDURAL REQUIREMENTS: In accordance with Article Twenty (20) of <br />the Zoning Ordinance, the Zoning Officer hereby certifies: <br />1. Staff caused a notice of the public hearing, indicating that this rezoning petition would be <br />reviewed by the Board of County Commissioners, to be published in accordance with the <br />requirements of the Ordinance, <br />2. Staff notified all adjacent property owners, within five hundred (500) feet of the subject <br />property, of the submittal of the rezoning petition and informed them of the date and time <br />of the public hearing via certified mail, <br />3. Staff posted a sign on the subject property providing notice of the public hearing. <br />Attachment Three (3) of this abstract contains: <br />1. A list of property owners notified by letter, <br />
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