Orange County NC Website
vvuuu :. <br /> i <br /> right now; he added that he would like to prepare massive renovation plans for <br /> that building providing alternatives and costs for those alternatives. <br /> The Board thanked the architects for their presentations. <br /> 3. Dr. simmumons, Orange county Superintendent of Schools, introduced <br /> Mr. Penn, the Assistent Superintendent for Personnel, who gave a report on <br /> the transportation system for the schools. Mr. Penn gave a background report <br /> on recent changes in the North Carolina law pertaining to cars which pass a <br /> bus. He said they needed support from the Courts, saying that <br /> - one judge had expressed the personal opinion that this recently amended law per- <br /> taining to cars passing stopped buses was unconstitutional. Commissioner Willhoit <br /> asked about the accident rate for Orange county. Dr. Simmons said the record was <br /> very good so far; there had been no major accidents recently. <br /> D. Board Decisions <br /> 1. Reschedule public Hearing--Falls of New Hope <br /> Cca¢nissioner Willhoit moved to rescheLale the public hearing on the Falls of <br /> the New Hope Participatory Paving Project on January 25, 1982; (7otanissioner <br /> Gbstaveson seconded the motion. Vote: Ayes, 5; noes, 0. <br /> °--2-. Deerfield Subdivision: Planning Director Polatty said this was a-major" <br /> subdivision which was exempt from the moratorium on development in the university <br /> Take Watershed because it was already in process when the moratorium was imposed. <br /> Cocmissioner Gustaveson moved, seconded by 0=nissicner Walker, the approval of <br /> the Deerfield subdivision as recommended by the Planning Board. Oomnissioner <br /> Willhoit asked about the intensity of development and soil quality and any pre- <br /> vious problems with a mobile hone development nearby. Mr. Polatty said he knew <br /> of no problems. Mr. Heath, the developer, said there es good absorption in tha <br /> ra t <br /> development; he had 60 units on 22 acres of land in that development and pumped the <br /> individual• septic tanks every five years. <br /> Vote: Ayes, 5; noes, 0. <br /> 3. James A. Freeland and Paul Kempa Property: Planning Director Polatty <br /> said this is a major subdivision according to Planning Department standards but that <br /> - I Mr. Kempa protests its designation as a major subdivision. Commissioner Glastaveson <br /> moved, seconded by Commissioner Walker, to approve the subdivision of lot three . <br /> located on SR 1127 and owned by Paul Kempa and James A. Freeland as recomTended by <br /> the Planning Board. Vote: Ayes, 5; noes, 0. <br />