Orange County NC Website
9 <br /> ATTACH�IENT "A'� <br /> 1. Avt�iri deriuinc� a �irect b�n�fit frc�m ce�ntr�cts in w�tach yc��a are invc�lveci in makir►g c+r <br /> �{�R11tIEStet`!P'tC,� Ltt'I �}�Ftr��� Ct� f�'TE' �?U�7�tC 3t„�E.'�IC�. {�.5. '{4-2�4��r�}{1}; Ct`tt�"iIR3� p��t�c'�I�}�; t'tt3�B <br /> d�finee( t�:rms in t�e stat�rt�. c#�rect ber�efit, in�r�lv�c� ir� makir�c� c�r administ�rinc� a car�tr�act.) <br /> 2. Avoid attempting fio in�3u�nce e�t��rs whc� are invo��red ir� rr��kin� c�r acfmin�sterir�c� a cor�tract e�n <br /> trehalf of the p�blic �gency, even if yo� �r�n'# ir�vc���red, if yc�u will d�riv� a dire�t be�refit frr�m <br /> tF�� cc�ntr�ct. {G.�. 14-234 {a){2); cr�rrrinal �ena�ty. nc�te d�fineci f�rms i'n the st���te; direct <br /> ben�fit, invt�lued ir� rr��k�r�g c�r �dmir�isteeing a cantr�ct.} <br /> �, Av�id sc�li�itinc� or rec�ivin� �ny �ift car re�rvare! in exchar�ge for r�cc�rnm�r�din�, ir�flu�neir�g, �r <br /> attempting tc� influence the a�,v�rd of a cc��ttract k�y t�� public a�ency yc�u s�rve. (G.S. �4-234 <br /> {�}{3}; crimina� penalty,) <br /> 4, Cc�nsider th� et�ic�6 �n� pr�ctical c�ns�c��er�� of deriv�r�€� a di�ec# 3�en�fit from a ��r�tr��t <br /> that i� auth�arizec� ur�der any e�c��tir�r� tr� the statcrt�� �r�� weic�'h �h�se consideratians agairtsf. <br /> the pot�nii�l adv�ntage tc� #he public �gency �r�c� to yc�ur�lf, ��lir�w r�portir�g requirernents #o <br /> ensure trarasp�r�r�cy. �G.�. 14-234 (b}; {c�1}.} <br /> �. Avoid ��rtici�atin� ir� d�li�erati�ns �b�ut t�r voting c�n � ce�r�tr��t ir� �nrh�c� yc�u t�a�re a direct <br /> E��nefit, v,r#�er+ the cc�ntract is undertaker� as aECca�ec� tar�der any'exceptic�r� tta the statute. (G.S. <br /> 14-��� (b1); crim�r����r��ty-� <br /> �. Auc�ici usinc� yc�t��knc�wled���a� cc�r�terrrpl�ted �ctic�n by ye�u t�r yc�ur unit, c�r informati�n kr�c��;vvr� <br /> tc� yo�t in y�u�r c�ff�ial ca�a��y �ncS n�t rna�e public, tc� acqt�ire � fie��rtci�l �r�#er�st in a�y <br /> prc�p�rty, transaetic�rt,;�r �r�����e, or �c� gain a� �n�rrciaf F�enefit that may be affected by t�e <br /> infor��i�t�t�ti '�r �niemp����d a�ti�n.' Av�id int�rrtic�naPly ��di�r� an€�the� tc� do any c�f tt�ese <br /> thirtgs. {G.�. �4�2�..�.; crirriir��l:�rer�al�y.} <br /> �. A���t� r�ceiving any �� c�r favc�r��rr� � �tsrrerrt, p�st, c�r p�tentia€ contractor. (�.5. 1�3-�2(a}; <br /> �ritrt���,#:p�nalty.� <br /> 8. C€�nsit��r ��e ethica# ar��#' practi�al cans�c�uenc�s c�f accepting a c�ift �r f�vc�r unc#�r any <br /> �xcepfi�n t� tFr� sfati�tc�ry p�ohibitic��t} an� fc�CEc�w rep�rtin� requir�rr��rtts #� en�ure <br /> transparency, (�.�k ��3-�2{d).) <br /> �3. Avc�id voting �� a���ters invcr6ving yc�ur own fin�nci�l int�rest or ��cial cc�nduct. �G_�. 1�QA-75; <br /> 1�3A-�44,} Identify ar�d discl€�s� ���s� ��att�rs in �d��n�e sc� #hat yc�t�r b�ard can determ�ne <br /> whether �r n�t yc�u �ave � conf[ict th�t allaws yc�u to be excus�:d by ihe bc�ar�! fr�rn �c�ting. <br /> W}�en in dc�ubt, obtain an opinion frcr�n your fc�c�1 �ttc�rr��y abr�ut w�ether yc�u rr��st va#e or m�y <br /> �e excuseri. <br />