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11 <br /> ATTA�HM�NT "B" <br /> t�t�tic� �of th� r�quire€� �ublic h�arin� �tatirrc� it� tirr��p pl��e. a�d �ac�rpc�s� shalE b�: ��ven or�ce a � <br /> aveek for tv�rt� s��c�ssive calend�r�ee�� �n a nev�cspapet having ger�era( circuiatic�n in the��ri�dictic�r�. <br /> Th� nc�tic� s�a(! be publisF�ec� the firs�t �ime nat less �han 1(� d�ys nc�r mc�re thar� 25 days befc�re tt�e <br /> date fixed f�r tF�e k�e�rir�g. En cc�mputinc� s��h p�ric�d, the day c�f publication is nof to be inclucfed �ut <br /> �h�� day cf the t�e�ring shall b� included. AEfiernafively, t�te ���rin� shall E�e �dv�rt�secf c�n tf�e <br />' jurisdicti€�n's aveb�ite for th� same peric�ct af time, �p �ca �nd' ir�eludir�� th� cf�te caf the h�aring. Th� <br /> nc�#ice shall state th�t � det�i6ec� iist af t#�e alfegations ag�ir�st tt�e mem��r is avail�b�e fc�r public <br /> insp�ctic�n and �c�pyin� irr t�re �ffic� c�f t�e c�erk c�r �ecretary tc�th� bc�ard. <br /> The �eaeirtg shail b� cc�n�eraed �t th� tir�te �r�d pl�ce,�}���f+ed, The �iearing and any d�:libe€°ations <br /> sh�{I �ie conduc�ed ir� c�pen se�sic��t in a�cor�lan� wi#h the r�quiremer�t� �f the 1Varti� Carc�lina �per� <br /> rneeting� statutes. <br /> TF�e a�cus�d bc���d memb�r s�all ha�� th� right to h��t�_.���rsel pr�ser�t, tt� �ae�s�nt �nci �ross- <br /> :: <br /> examin� exp�rt an�i c�th�r v�ritr�esses, �nd t�c��f�r�vid�nce, ir�c�u�i�c� ��ridence of the bias o�any �ther <br /> bc�a�d m�rnb�r t�r tt�e pr�sidin� afficer. An �udi� crr vid�t� and au€�it� t�{�� crf tt�e pr��e�dings sE��C! E�e � <br /> pre��r�d. Ar�y �r�d al� vot�s during the h�arir�c� s�tal! �� tal�en �y the`�y�s anci e�c�es anci recc�rded in <br /> th� bc�ard's r►minu#es. <br /> f�nc� t�e h�a��ng is cc��t�l�c��d, it sha�l b� cic�sed by vote c�f the baa�d. The pr�sidin� c�ffi�er shall <br /> CtEX� E.'Ci�E?t��ECi' c"3 tt"i��tC�il �t7 c"�{�U�JY r`:k t"�SO�Il�!(?fl Gf,t�1S�.lI'It"tt,� ��"t� �'I'i`t�'t?I�E.'t' �}�S�'CS C?Ct S�7E:C(���I Vit3�c�l�IC7C1S t3� <br /> the Cad� c�f Et�iics' Any rra�ticrr� mac�� m�s� b� �r� �ff�rr�afiv� c+n� ir� f�vc�r c�f ac��ptinc� a ncrn-binding <br /> resc�lutior� af censure. (f t�� �c���gra �+�'"t'e�c�l�t�ic�r� d�es nc�t stat� p�r��cu�ar �r�ur�d� fc�r cer�sur� uncler <br /> �he Ge�de of Etf�i�s, t�e pre�idsr���a�i�er sha�1'rtt���#:`�ut caf�rder. <br /> If � m�tic�n �� adc�pt a resc�l�rtiori c�f cen��ee �t�ting p�rfiic�alar g��ur�ds under th� Cc�de �f EtF�ics <br /> has been made, the b�ard sh�ll ciebat+e the mr�tior�. The �ceus�:d member sh�[i be allc�vvec� tc� <br /> �33t�ICl�c��E' ICl $�i� £�f3�ic'?�E?, �?Ut Sf't��l IlC1� VQ"�E: {2(t ��lE' t11f.e�IC?Il �tJ 3C�C3�}��f"t� t'�S�?�E.��iCtft t}{C£3tl5Ut`P.. <br /> �t th� �or��(t�sic�r� €�€the debate, tt�e b�ard �hall vote on th� r�s�l�t�c��. If th�e rnc�ti€�n tr� adc�pt the <br /> r�sr�luticsn c�f censure is ap�rc�ved b�r � two-t}�irds trot� of those pres�e�t ar�d vc�ting, � c�uc�rur�t being <br /> present; the matic�n �ass�s and tt�e r�t�n-birador�c� rese�lutic�n +�f�ensure is adopted. <br /> The t�� �rf tt�e resc�lutic�n c�f cens�are ��all be m�d� a part c+f tl�e mir�u�es �sf th� b�ard, Any <br /> r�corc�inc� c�f t#�� board's �arc�ce�dings shal� be a�rprc�ved by the board as a �erman�nt parf af th� <br /> bc�arc�'s minu�es. The pec�c�edings s�i��l then k�e consic#e�ed c�r�cluded, th� ta�sard havinc� cione all that <br /> i# legally can with respect ta the mati�r in qu��tian. <br />