Orange County NC Website
Atlantic seaboard of the United States, a situation duplicated only once in the last 50 years. <br /> Nor'easters are rated by the Dolan-Davis Intensity Scale. The scale is not included in this <br /> document because it is based upon beach and dune erosion and overwash, none of which <br /> are relevant to Orange County,the Town of Carrboro or the Town of Hillsborough. <br /> Thunderstorms <br /> Severe thunderstorms can occur alone or in clusters,but affect relatively small areas <br /> compared to those affected by hurricanes or nor'easters. In eastern North Carolina, <br /> thunderstorms most frequently occur in the late afternoon or during the evening or night <br /> hours during the summer months. Summer thunderstorms involve lightning, strong winds, <br /> heavy rains and hail that can result in wildfires, localized wind damage and flash flooding. <br /> According to the North Carolina State Climate Office,thunderstorms typically are 15 miles <br /> or less in diameter and last an average of 20 to 30 minutes. Downbursts and straight-line <br /> winds associated with thunderstorms can produce winds of 100-150 miles per hour- <br /> enough to flip large trucks and endanger airplane landings and takeoffs. <br /> The National Weather Service considers a thunderstorm severe if it produces hail at least <br /> three-quarters of an inch in diameter,has winds of 58 miles per hour or greater or produces <br /> a tornado. Of the estimated 100,000 thunderstorms in the United States each year, only <br /> about 10% are classified as severe. <br /> Lightning, a major threat during a thunderstorm, is responsible for more deaths each year in <br /> the United States than are tornad e in 1' <br /> o s. S ce i htnin s ' <br /> g g tnkes are very unpredictable, the risk <br /> to individuals and property can be significant. <br /> Historic Impact of Thunderstorms in Orange County(including Carrboro &Hillsborough) I <br /> As the Hazard History table at the end of this section shows, a number of thunderstorm/high <br /> wind storm events and thunderstorm related events (hail and lightning)have been reported <br /> in Orange County. <br /> Severe Winter Storm <br /> Severe winter weather is typically associated with much colder climates;however, winter <br /> storms involving extremely cold temperatures, ice storms, and/or heavy snow have <br /> occurred in Orange County. The impact of a winter storm in Orange County can be <br /> significant. Although equipment such as snow plows is available in the region, winter <br /> storms can produce an accumulation of snow and ice on trees and utility lines resulting in <br /> loss of electricity and blocked transportation routes. Frequently, loss of electric power <br /> means loss of heat for residential customers, which poses an immediate threat to human <br /> life. <br /> As the Hazard History table at the end of this section indicates, ice storms, heavy snow, and <br /> extreme cold has impacted Orange County, including Carrboro and Hillsborough, several <br /> times from 1956 to 2008. <br /> 16 <br />