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necessary. The majority of the revisions made in the updated plan were modifications to data <br />tables and values, incorporating the most current and best available data. Additionally, the plan <br />was fine -tuned to comply with the requirements of FEMA's Local Multi - Hazard Mitigation <br />Planning Guidance published in July 2008. Finally, the OCHM Team modified the formatting in <br />the updated plan to be more consistent with the most recent adopted State Hazard Mitigation <br />Plan Update (October 2007). <br />A draft of the Orange County Hazard Mitigation Plan Update was submitted to the State Hazard <br />Mitigation Officer for review on July 20, 2009. The State returned comments in September <br />2009 and the OCHM Team returned the plan update with the requested revisions on September <br />24, 2009 for approval and submittal to FEMA. State officials approved the plan and submitted it <br />to FEMA for initial review. The OCHM Team received FEMA's comments and request for <br />revisions on January 7, 2010. Again, the requested revisions were made and the plan update <br />was resubmitted for FEMA's approval on February 11, 2010. The official FEMA 'approval <br />pending adoption' is provided as Attachment 2. The Orange County Hazard Mitigation Plan <br />Update will receive final approval from FEMA upon receipt of the plan update with the <br />resolutions of adoption of the plan for all partner jurisdictions. <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT: There are no direct financial impacts associated with the adoption of the <br />Orange County Hazard Mitigation Plan Update. However, State and Federal law require a <br />jurisdiction have an adopted and approved hazard mitigation plan in place to be eligible for <br />hazard mitigation assistance funds. Work associated with the plan update was accomplished <br />by existing Planning and Emergency Services staff. <br />RECOMMENDATION(S): The Manager recommends the Board approve the attached <br />resolution adopting the Orange County Hazard Mitigation Plan Update as approved by FEMA. <br />