Orange County NC Website
4 . - <br /> . <br /> 7 <br /> 2. Y} . <br /> 3e <br /> The Board requested the Manager get information on the <br /> 5. Sheriff's present fleet with regard to size, age, number of cars, <br /> 6, mileage and the use of the cars for serving papers. Additional <br /> 7. information was requested about down time for the vehicles. The <br /> 8. Board requested this item returned to the agenda when the informatiC .: <br /> 9. was acquired. <br /> 10. 7. Ratification of Government Form <br /> 11. Commissioner Gustaveson_7moved to adopt the. Resolution for. . _.: .. <br /> 12. the County Manager Plan of Government for Orange County; Commis-- <br /> 13. ' sioner Walker seconded the motion. Vote: Ayes 5; noes, 0. <br /> 14. 8. Tax Supervisor Recruitment <br /> 15.. The Manager sought Board advice on the steps to take in <br /> 16. recruiting a Tax Supervisor; The Tax Supervi-sor Is appointed <br /> 17. by the Board. The Board asked the Manager to be sure to specify <br /> 18. the close relationship between the Tax Supervisor's Office and <br /> 19. the Land Records Office; the Board further directed the Manager <br /> 20, to advertise internally prior to going outside with the position. <br /> 21. ' The Board directed the Manager to bring one candidate to the Board <br /> 22. an interview and consideration. <br /> 23• Commissioner Gustaveson moved to advertise the Tax Supervisor <br /> 24• position internally before advertising in newspapers and to bring <br /> 25. one candidate to the Board for consideration and interview; Com- <br /> 26. missioner Walker seconded the motion. Vote-, Ayes, 5; noes, 0. <br /> 27. Commissioner Willhoit moved to adjourn for lunch; motion died <br /> 28. for lack of a second. <br /> 29. 10. Discussion of Architects' Proposals <br /> 30. Commissioner Gustaveson moved, seconded by Commissioner Barnes, <br /> 31. to invite the architectural firms of James Webb, Gary Giles, Design- <br /> 32• works and Integrated Energy Systems to make proposals for the renova_ <br /> 33• tion of the Old Courthouse. Vote: Ayes, 5; noes, 0. <br /> 34• 11. Extended Area Coverage--Telephone <br /> 35• Commissioner Gustaveson moved, seconded by Commissioner Willhoit, <br /> 36. to authorize the Manager to sign the ballots for the County in favor <br /> 37. of extended area coverage for the telephones between Durham, Chapel <br /> 38. Hill and Hillsborough. Vote: Ayes, 5; noes, 0. <br /> 39. <br /> 40. <br />