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1. 00 / r' 9 <br /> �� <br /> 2. <br /> 30 <br /> e <br /> was underway. <br /> 5. Chairman Crawford said they were amending the Zoning Ordinance. <br /> 6. Planning Board member Kizer said that at a public hearing for <br /> 7. the airport, if any conflicting evidence came forth that new con- <br /> 8, ditions could be added then. <br /> 9. Chairman Crawford thanked the audience and those who spoke; <br /> 10. concluded the public hearing and turned the Chair over to Commis- <br /> 11. sioner Barnes. Commissioner Barnes referred the rezoning requests <br /> 12. and amendments to the Planning Board for recommendation. <br /> 13. F. Public_Hearing--Community Development Redevelopment Plan <br /> 14. The Planning Board remained for this public hearing. <br /> 15. Mr. Albert Kittrell, Community Development Director, told the <br /> 16. Board of Commissioners that approving the Plan would enable the County <br /> 17. to acquire property in the Northern Fairview area. He said the <br /> 18. plan does not differ substantially from the plan submitted to HUD <br /> 19. in July, 1980. He listed objectives and plans to attain those <br /> 20. objectives. <br /> 21. -There were no members of the audience who wished to speak on <br /> 22. this matter. <br /> 23. Commissioner Barnes declared the public hearing on the Community <br /> X24. Development Redevelopment Plan closed. <br /> 25. Commissioner Walker left the meeting and did not return. <br /> tr. <br /> 26. G. Items for Decicison by Board <br /> 27. 1. Tax'Appeals: <br /> 28. Mr. Arthur Hurow, Tax Map 54 B, Block C, Lot 14: Mr. Kermit <br /> 29. Lloyd told,the Board he had visited Mr. Hurow's property and found <br /> 30• that an error was made in pricing method; additionally, he found a <br /> 31. drainage ditch across the front yard and thinks a 5% topographic <br /> 32. adjustment should be made. Correcting the error in the pricing met]-' ![ <br /> 33. and a allowing the 5% topo adjustment would reduce the value of this <br /> 34• lot from $47,520 to $40,554 (the value of the lot and home together <br /> 35. would be reduced from $130,986 to $124,020) . Mr. Hurow said he would <br /> 36. accept the recommendation of the Tax Appraiser. <br /> 37• Commissioner Willhoit moved, seconded by Commissioner Gustaveson, <br /> 38. to approve the recommendation by the Tax Appraiser to reduce Mr. Hurow's <br /> 39.. <br /> 40. <br />