<br /> 1. lU
<br /> 2. °c'1
<br /> 3.
<br /> 4. property valuation by the amount stated, that is, from $130,986 to
<br /> 5e $124,020. Vote: Ayes, 4; noes, 0.
<br /> 6. Ms. Mary Wilkinson, Tax Map 1, Lot 20: Mr. Lloyd said he found
<br /> 7. that the property was landlocked with no access; he recommends an
<br /> 8. adjustment of 69% to reduce the valuation from $14,336 to $5,555.
<br /> 9. Commissioner Whitted moved, seconded, by Commissioner Gustaveson,
<br /> 10. to approve the Tax Appraiser's recommendation of the 69% economic
<br /> 11. adjustment,, thereby reducing the price from $14,336 to $5,555-
<br /> 12 Vote: Ayes, 4; noes, 0.
<br /> 130 Mr. F.R. Dodson, Tax Map 20, Lot::15A: Mr. Lloyd said this lot
<br /> 14. was landlocked and that he recommended a 52% economic adjustment
<br /> 15. to this lot. Mr. Dodson said he planned to sign up for a Forestry
<br /> 16, Management Plan for this acreage.
<br /> 17. Commissioner Willhoit moved, seconded by Commissioner Gustaveson,
<br /> ' 18. to approve the 52% economic adjustment to Mr. Dodson's property,
<br /> i
<br /> 19. thereby reducing its value from $43,512 to $26,107. Vote: Ayes,
<br /> 0, 4; noes, 0.
<br /> Mr. William T. Boyd, Jr, Tax Map 51, Block F, Lot 12A: Mr.
<br /> 22. Lloyd said he had been unable to see the inside of the home on his
<br /> 23- recent visit; however, he did inspect the property from outside.
<br /> 24- Mr. Lloyd recommends no change in the original valuation of $93,447.
<br /> 25. Mr. Lloyd said he had met today with .the Boyds and told them why he
<br /> 26. was not recommending a change, that is, comparable homes and lots
<br /> 27, are selling for about what this home is valued at; additionally, he
<br /> 28. said there is an additional room at the rear of the home which in-
<br /> 29. creases its value. Commissioner Whitted moved, seconded by Commis-
<br /> 30. sioner Gustaveson,to approve the Tax Appraiser's recommendation of
<br /> 31. no change in the original valuation of $93,447. Vote: Ayes, 4; noes,0.
<br /> 32. Mr. J.O. Sanderson, Tax Map 26, Lot 15: Mr. Lloyd said Mr.
<br /> Sanderson says he had no legal access to his property from Orange
<br /> 34, County and no road access from Durham County. (The property is on
<br /> 35. the two Countys' lines.) Commissioner Whitted suggested, and the
<br /> 36, Board consented, that Mr. Lloyd determine if, indeed, there is not
<br /> 37. an access to the property. The Board deferred action until such
<br /> 38, determination is made.
<br /> 39.
<br /> 40.
<br />