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employee to the conference. This position is allowed to assist the employee in <br />understanding information being provided by the .department or in providing additional <br />information for consideration. The human resources professional would not be the person <br />who helped the supervisor or department in preparing for the disciplinary proceedings. <br />• This would provide the employee with a trained human resources professional to <br />assist them throughout the process including during the conference. <br />• This would not have an additional cost outside of human resources or other <br />County employee staff time. <br />• This would limit the employee's choice to the specifically trained County <br />personnel. <br />3. The Employee is permitted to select a person of his/her choice that will be allowed to <br />advocate for the employee during the Pre-disciplinary conference. The person <br />representing the employee may be an attorney. <br />• The recommendation would provide the greatest .level of advocacy for the <br />support of-the employee. <br />• This may provide unequal treatment and unfair results for persons who could not <br />afford attomeys. <br />• An attorney's presence at pre-disciplinary conferences in cases of serious work <br />performance deficiencies endangering the safety of persons or property may <br />slow the process when resolving the issue may be in the best interest of all <br />parties. <br />• This would increase the County's costs because if the employee had an <br />attorney, the County would also seek to be represented to provide legal support <br />to the supervisor and the department head. <br />Staff Recommendation <br />The County must ensure aA employees are treated fairly and have the opportunity to resolve <br />issues at the lowest level possible. Staff recommends the Board continue the current system of <br />not allowing a third presence or representation at pre-disciplinary conferences involving <br />demotion, suspension or termination for the following reasons: <br />• Third party representatives would create an inequity among employees within <br />the personnel system applying to only 53% of Orange County employees; <br />• The personnel system currently allows for third party representation if both <br />parties agree. <br />• Human Resource professionals are present in the process to ensure the system <br />is followed and all parties are treated fairly; <br />• Employees view the disciplinary system as fair (as evidenced by a recent <br />employee survey); and <br />• The presence of third parties and attorneys. at the pre-disciplinary conference <br />could make the process more adversarial and decrease the likelihood of the <br />issue being resolved. <br />However, if the Board is not inclined to leave the current system in place, staff would recommend <br />the Board select Model 2 above. Attached are proposed amendments to the Personnel <br />Ordinance to accommodate each model. (See Attachment 2) <br />