Orange County NC Website
Note: This prohibition may be waived with the consent of the department head <br />and the employee. <br />2 <br />This provision can be waived with the consent of both management and the employee. Staff <br />surveyed Human Resource Directors in other counties and in the Office of State Personnel on <br />allowing a third party presence or representation in pre-disciplinary conferences. (See <br />Attachment 1.) None of the counties or the Office of State Personnel either through ordinance or <br />policy provide for third party presence at pre-disciplinary conferences. Alamance County's policy <br />does not provide for third party presence; however, in practice a third party presence is allowed. <br />Several reasons stated by the Office of State Personnel and others for not allowing a third party <br />presence or representation in pre-disciplinary conferences were: <br />a third party presence would make the conference more of a hearing and less of meeting; <br />the pre-disciplinary conference is a time of information sharing and having a third party <br />present or representation may make it more adversarial and reduce the opportunity to <br />resolve both performance and conduct a lower level. <br />The lack of 'a third party presence was also countered by the thorough review made by the <br />Human Resources Department of the circumstances surrounding the incident prior to the <br />consideration of discipline. Many indicated Human Resources staff served as a neutral part of <br />the disciplinary process assisting both the employee and management and not advocating for <br />either side. <br />Models <br />While none of the counties surveyed or the Office of State Personnel provide third party presence <br />or representation at pre-disciplinary conference, staff, as requested, has provided several models <br />of third party presence or representation and the pros and cons of each for the Board's <br />consideration: <br />1. The employee is permitted to select a person of their choice to accompany them to the <br />Pre-disciplinary Conference. This person may be a friend, family member or another <br />employee, but not an attorney. This person is considered a support person only and is not <br />allowed to participate in any way in the conference. <br />• This may help the employee feel more at ease in the proceeding and provide a <br />second set of ears to hear information enhancing the employee's ability to <br />comprehend the information being provided. <br />• There would be no cost to the employee or management unless the person <br />selected was an employee (employee time off would not be charged to leave.) <br />• The support person would not be allowed to actively participate in helping the <br />employee and must remain mute during the conference. <br />• The support person may not have any training or specific ability to provide the <br />assistance needed by the employee. <br />2. An employee would. be allowed to select a person from a diverse group of human <br />resources professionals. and other staff specifically trained to provide assistance to <br />employees in the Pre-disciplinary Conference. This specifically trained person would act as <br />an ombudsman in helping the employee prepare for the conference and accompanying the <br />