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4 <br />introduction of the ordinance to adopt the change to the ordinance. At the December 1, 2008 <br />regular meeting, the Board tabled action on this matter. <br />While the amendment voted on November 18~' does not require unanimous vote, any changes to <br />the amendment to the Orange County Personnel Ordinance Article IX, Section 4d(1) voted on at <br />the Board's November 18~' meeting will require unanimous consent or will have to come back for <br />consideration at .the Board's next meeting. Staff is mindful that Board members, either those <br />sitting on November 18~' or new Board members, may need additional information before either <br />the amendment or a revised amendment can be considered. If the Board needs additional time <br />or information, staff would recommend the Board delay consideration of the amendment or a <br />revised amendment until the Board's first meeting in January 2009 and allow staff to gather any <br />additional information required. <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT: None <br />RECOMMENDATION(S): The Manager recommends the Board nod amend the Orange County <br />Personnel Ordinance Article IX, Section 4d(1). If the Board does amend Section 4d(1), the <br />Manager recommends the Board revise. its November 18~' decision and adopt Alternative 2 as <br />presented by staff. <br />