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<br />Excerpt of Minutes <br />Approved 9/3/08 <br />Jay Bryan: What if we refer this back th staff and asked them to pn:pate a proposal as to how b include public <br />comment in the permit~ng process whether if is for the Board of County Commissioners or the staff, how that woukt <br />be weighted. I think we also need a descriptiorr of the cue fir. <br />Michael Harvey: I can provide someth'aig but I would rattrer have more direction on what you are ~9 for. <br />Jay Bryan: You have' heard the idea that we have in the permitting Process that there is a public hearing befae the <br />Board of County Commissioners on these types of ap~ications for the Boats of County Commrssiorrers to get input. <br />If the permittkg process is suds that staff is maksrg the derision then taw does that input get th the board of County <br />Commissioners. . <br />Jeffrey Schmitt I think part of this t~arirrg needs ip be in a time horimn where the Board of County Commissioners <br />hearing the public, if there is a voice large enough, that could potentially impact their dectission to purchase the <br />property andlor modifir what is there. If the County is gone so far that this is defac~o been approved then yes, the <br />comment made by Renee ~s sustafiable in that we are rat doing anything except giving the public a chance to be <br />upse# and not doing anything. This needs to happen in such a 6rrre tarizon that we could potentially iMkience the <br />deasion of the Board of County Commissioners to not do something. <br />Brian Crawford: My issue is the issue of fairness.. I am concerned that the Board of County Commissioners and the <br />Board of Adjustment, then the process you are sr~gesbed addresses that fairness. Somehow we need to bring <br />fairness bads into the system in the dec~ion making process. ff fairness is a hearing ttrat the pubic can be up in <br />arms and say we don't want this to happen, then there has to be ability for the Board of County Commissioners to <br />t~k off that project. <br />Renee Price: The thing is Brian, if that didn't happen and they claimed eminent domain... <br />Middle Kemptnski: That is a different sut~ect. <br />Jay Bryan: t et's keep the issue to what we lurow. The issue of tim'arg for such an opportunity. <br />Michael Harvey: The Planning Board woukf like th see same disctrssion about there being a type of publ~ comment <br />for the Hoard of County Commissioners engaged in a project that may see a 4,000, 5,000 or 6,000 galbn septic <br />system. You would like to see a report and continue to discuss it. <br />Brian Crawford: i wouk! kke th understand the nature of the court case and what the court was saying. <br />Midalle Kempinski: Does everyone ham a copy of the full Zoning Ordinance if we wanted to see all of Section 6 or <br />is that sorrrething we need m include with the amendment th see wtrat the whole section says to have context for this <br />box of irrfomratan. <br />Michael Harvey: We have provided taw Article 6 Section 6.20.1reads raw. Article 6 is the Application of <br />Dknensionai Requirements and contains a variety of standanis and some do not apply at alt and some are separate. <br />[[end of item]] <br />4 <br />