Orange County NC Website
a~ <br />Excerpt of lvfinutes <br />Approved 9/3/08 <br />Renee Price: The Health Departrnent that is part of the Countt// <br />Michael Harvey. Yes. 8 is the mange County Health Deparbrrent that enforces the state rubs. <br />Brian Crawford: My corrcem is that it sounds pke that it is putting the County on an uneven Playing field with the rest <br />of the devebpers in the County whereas the Board of County Commbsioners can say ip another devekper, you <br />can't do that In this instance, we are saying, that doesn't apply th us and we can do that and there is no one that <br />can say no th the Board of County Comnbsrorinrs based on this policy. <br />Midtael Harvey: Let me make two corrections to your statement It still has fib go through the similar permitting <br />process as far as getting a permit for both bc~ and state agencbs th apow the system to be developed as arty other <br />developer. The second is the issue the Permitting process. Unforttmately, the permittttrrg Process, based on recent <br />case law, states that the County carrot issue itself a Speaal Use Permit Making those findings acrd taking it through <br />that process is something we can no bnger do. <br />Brian Crawford: I don't think that as the intent of the case. I am really uncomfortable witi~out having an analysis of <br />the case decision or what the court is saying. The court may have said that we have to come• up with another <br />mechanism th have the County appn~ve their projects. <br />Michael Harvey: I can tell you from my own personal review of the case that is not the case. If you would rather <br />have us comment fi an expanded memorandum that can certainly be a recommendation. <br />Jeffrey Schmitt Michelle has an excepent point and that is the public will not get to comment on this. is that right? <br />NGchael Harvey: Yes. ~ • <br />Jeffrey Schmitt I don't think that is right Notwithstanding, whether or not the County cannot issue itself a permi#, i <br />think the public should still have its hearing and the Board of County Commissioners need th know the concerns of <br />their constrtcrer>ts even if it does not impact the abipty of the County to proceed this. I think ~ are short changing the <br />ability of the people of this county tD express their opinions. This was partiapated by the change in the septic field up <br />at the Northern Human Services Center witty the new park, is that correct? <br />M'~hael Harvey: Yes. That is one of the geneses of this issue. <br />Jay Bryan: It appears to be a policy that will have an affect on others. <br />Midtiael Harvey: This wip have an impact on any County Project PrePcefi9 over a 3,000 galbn system. This is only <br />going th ~P~ ~uMY P~~ under the County's planning jcrrisdiction proposes over 3,1x10 galbn septin systems. <br />There are County projects wdhin munrc~papt~s or on sewer system that this will not have an impact on whatsoever. <br />Judith Wegner. I agree with Michelle and Jeff, I wouk! I'tke to see publc comment You could make a policy.that we <br />would require public comments for such a proposal. it is n~ a Special Use Pem~t but we require by policy that you <br />will go through a certain process with the pubrtc. That wip address sane of the questions. <br />Npchael Harvey: I personapy thfik that if the Board would pke to make that recommendation th the Board of County <br />Commissioners, I think it is reasonable. <br />Renee Price: But then again what would be menu, people can't sue, if they're in opposition what work or body does <br />that go before? The State body or what? <br />3 <br />