RES-2008-071 Approving Orange Co Transp Priority List for 2011-2017 Transp Improvement Prog
Board of County Commissioners
RES-2008-071 Approving Orange Co Transp Priority List for 2011-2017 Transp Improvement Prog
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4/26/2011 3:35:09 PM
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4/23/2010 4:14:40 PM
Meeting Type
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ORANGE COUNTY TRANSPORTATION PRIORITY LIST <br />2011 - 2017 DURHAM-CHAPEL HILL-CARRBORO <br />METROPOLITAN TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM <br />9. SR 1008 (Mt. Carmel Church Road) bicycle lanes: Construct bicycle lanes on Mt. <br />Carmel Church Road from US 15-501 to the OrangelChatham County line. This <br />project is a segment of the Mountains to Seas Bicycle Route. Mt. Carmel Church <br />Road, from Chapel Hill's extraterritorial planning jurisdiction (ETJ) to the <br />OrangelChatham County line is priority 8 of the primary priority bicycle routes on the <br />Orange County Bicycle Transportation Plan. Increased traffic on Mt. Carmel Church <br />has worsened travel conditions in this corridor that has many blind curves, making <br />this popular bicycle route unsafe for bicycling. <br />10. US 70 Bypass Widening: Widen US 70 Bypass, from the OrangelDurham County <br />line to the I-85-US 70 Connector east of Efland, to a four-lane divided section with <br />bike and pedestrian improvements. This project should be phased to address traffic <br />counts and existing congestion. Orange County requests that this project be <br />identified as a need and included in the 2011-20172 STIP. Two segments of this <br />corridor are of particular interest. The first segment is the one through northern <br />Hillsborough because of the economic development potential of this segment (as <br />referenced in the US 70/Cornelious Street Corridor Strategic Plan) and proximity to <br />C.W. Stanford Middle School and Orange High School. The second segment is the <br />segment through the Eno Economic Developmerit District that includes the <br />interchange of Interstate 85 and US 70, and should be contemporaneous with TIP <br />Project I-0305, Interstate 85 widening from I-40 to the OrangelDurham County line. <br />11. NC 86 (North of Hillsborough) Improvements: Widen NC 86, from US 70 Bypass <br />north of Hillsborough to Coleman Loop, SR 1332, (Coleman Loop also being the <br />intersection area of the planned connector between NC 86 and NC 57), to four lanes <br />with intersection improvements at US 70 Bypass to include extending the queuing <br />lane for traffic turning east onto US 70 Bypass from northbound Churton StreetlNC <br />86. NC 86 is the major north-south route through Orange County and is designated <br />in North Carolina's Long-Range Statewide Multimodal Transportation Plan as a <br />Strategic Highway Corridor. NC 57 converges into US 86 just north of US 70 <br />Bypass. The segment of NC 86 between NC 57 and US 70 is congested, rendering <br />a high accident location at the intersection of US 70 Bypass at NC 86. <br />12. NC 86, Bicycle Facilities: Construct bicycle facilities (4-foot paved shoulders) from <br />Chapel Hill (Whitfield Road, SR 1730, SR 1731) to Hillsborough {US 70 Business). <br />This project will extend bicycle facilities on Martin Luther King, Jr. Boulevard (NC86) <br />in Chapel Hi11 to US 70 Business in Hillsborough. NC 86 from Chapel Hill to <br />Hillsborough is experiencing increasing numbers of bicyclists using this route and <br />there are also two schools along this route, A.L. Stanback Middle School and New <br />Hope Elementary School (just off NC 86 on New Hope Church Road, SR 1723}. <br />This route is listed as priority I of the primary bicycle routes proposed in the Orange <br />County Bicycle Transportation-Plan. This project is included in the Bicycle Program <br />as an incidental need. Orange County requests that bicycle lanes- be constructed as <br />an independent project, and, if necessary, programmed in phases. <br />
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