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' i.._ <br /> VCjj.. <br /> 2, <br /> 30 <br /> 4• those living along these roads had been contacted with regard their <br /> 5. agreement on the suitability of the names chosen for those roads. <br /> 6, He further added that the action of the Board, should it choose to <br /> 7* do so, adopting these names, would protect. those names from being <br /> 8. allotted to other roads in the County. <br /> 9. Commissioner Walker moved, seconded by Commissioner Gustaveson, <br /> 10. - to approve the road names for the public State ,and public non- <br /> Ile State maintained roads"as presented by the Road Naming Advisory - -. <br /> 12. Committee tonight and excepting those struck by Mr. Shanklin. <br /> 13• Vote. Ayes, 5; noes, 0. <br /> 14. The Board thanked--.Mr. `Shanklin''for-:the .Committee'.,s 'work Wand <br /> 15• complimented him.on how asked <br /> 16. the Manager to check into maintenance of the road signs after <br /> 17. State maintenance was discontinued. <br /> 18. Commissioner Barnes declared that if there were no others who <br /> 190 wished to speak this portion of the public hearing was closed. <br /> -20• Agenda Item 7: Dr. Mike Simmons <br /> Dr. Mike Simmons, Superintendent of the Orange County Schools, <br /> 22• presented a brief report to the Board on that School system. He <br /> 23• noted that Federal cutbacks had hurt an already .troubled Exceptional <br /> 24• Child program and that some aide positions were eliminated to save <br /> 25• teachers' positions. He added that due to enrollment figures, the <br /> 26• school system had lost money from the State also. He enumerated <br /> 27, the effects of fewer Federal dollars on the school lunch programs. <br /> 28. The Board thanked Dr. Simmons for his presentation. <br /> 29. Agenda Item 8: Reguest for Variance <br /> 30• Ms. Shirley Burton requested the Board grant a variance to <br /> 31• the moratorium on development in the University Lake Watershed. <br /> 32• Commissioner Walker moved to grant the exception to the moratorium <br /> 3. on the basis of hardship; Commissioner Whitted seconded the motion. <br /> 3=�• Commissioner Willhoit offered :a,,substitute motion: He moved <br /> 35• than a finding that the process of 'subdivision had begun prior to <br /> 36• the impostion of the moratorium on August 24, 1981, and therefore <br /> 37. Ms. Burton's subdivision is exempt. Commissioner Barnes seconded <br /> 38, <br /> 39. <br /> 40, <br />