Orange County NC Website
cost, expense, liability, action or judgn~.ent, including attorney's fees, a~rrising out of or related to <br />any personal injury, death or property damage with respect to its use of the premises, except to <br />the extent the same are caused by the negligence or misconduct of another party or parties, <br />i 1, ~se_by. her Fart~es: t is understood and agreed hereto that the parties shall endeavor <br />to rriale the Fields available on a reasonable and non-exclusive basis to other interested groups <br />and public bodies when not in conflict with the prograrr~. of the parties hereto, upon sash terms <br />and conditions as the parties entitled to use of the ~"ields pursuant to th%s Agreement m.ay, in <br />their discretion,. establish, The Town and bounty may rn~e Field 3b available to, and. co-sponsor <br />events and programs with, other interested parties during times reserved for use by the Town and <br />bounty, <br />l~, ~rnendrnents: 'phis Agreern:ent may be amended by mutual written agreement if <br />the Board of Education, the bounty and the Town, <br />l3, Te~~~ ~s agreement shall exist and continue far a period of thirty ~30-} years <br />beginning September l:, X001 and ending August 3 ~, ~o~ l , Provided, however, that the parties <br />will review this Agreement on or about ~epternber 1 ~ Zot~l, and every hve ~~~ years therea~er, to <br />detern~.ine whether the Agreement is operating %n a manner that is satisfactory to the parties. ~f <br />any party believes that changes in circumstances have substantially affected the rights and <br />responsibilities of the parties under this Agreement, that party may initiate an in-depth review of <br />the Agreement for the purpose of re-negotiating the terms and conditions of this A,greenaent. ~ <br />the event of such an in-depth review, the parties mill in good faith re-negotiate the terms and. <br />conditions of this ,agreement to accon~rnodate the changes %n the circumstances of the parties and <br />to m.axnli~e joint use of the facilities. ,~ change in the terms of this Agreement based. upon such <br />re-negotiation shall not constitute a breach of this Ag~een~ent. <br /> <br />