Orange County NC Website
In the event the hoard of Fducatian deten~nines that the Smith diddle School should be <br />operated as ~, year round school, the 'dawn and Jaunty nay schedule programs during the <br />intercessions of such year round school when the school is not in session. <br />~, Availabilit of Smith Addle School bite: Thy Town and the bounty <br />understand that due to possible construction delays, the Smith Addle School alts, including <br />Fields fib, m.ay not be available far in~ediate use when the school opens as scheduled for the <br />~~t~ 1-~~ school year, and agree that any delay in use due to construction shall not constitute a <br />breach of this ~greenent. Provided, however, that such delay in use. shall not exceed. two ~~~ <br />year from the date that the Smith N~iddle School opens to students. <br />~. ~"aiver of Subra atianlIn~urance' ~'he hoard of ~ducatian agrees to maintain <br />fire, extended coverage, and vandalism. and malicious nisc~.ef insurance on the premises and on <br />personal property of the Board of ~ducatian contained therein to the extent of its full insurable <br />value; the ~owra and bounty shall da the san~.e with respect to their property located in or on the <br />premises. ~`he parties hereby mutually release and discharge each from all claims or liabilities <br />arising from or caused by hire or other casualty covered by the above insurance an the premises, <br />or property in or on the premises. <br />~. ~asualt anal Liabili fnsurance~ rt is understood and agreed by and between <br />the parties hereto that each party shall carry such casualty and. liability insurance as will protect <br />its interests in said facilities, and. protect itself in the event of injury to persons or property <br />involved in the use of said. premises by said party. each party shall furnish to the other park <br />upon demand, satisfactory evidence of insurance. <br />1 ~. ~derr~i each party hereto shall, to the extent allowed by lain, indemnify <br />and bald harmless and defend the other parties, their agents and employees from any claims, <br /> <br />