Orange County NC Website
Education. shall dacurnent its time of usage and, if the ward of Education uses the light syster~ <br />far more than ten ~~} hours per year, the hoard of Education shall cantribute taward the ar~.ual <br />maintenance -and repair casts in proportian to its use of the lights. <br />~~ Each party shall be responsible far its au~n lining or marling requirements, The <br />parties agree to use only no~~toxic and non-corrosive praducts far maintaining, lung or narl~ing <br />Field 3b, in accardance with the Ten's Least Ta~ic ~tegrated Pest Management Palicy, <br />~. Joint use of Parl~in Area and P1a ound: The ward of Education agrees that <br />the public shall have use of the paring lets and recreational facilities at chapel dill high <br />School, Smith Middle School and Seawell Elementary Schaal. Minor alterations regarding the <br />schedule far availability of these paring fats and recreational facilities may 'be made, from tine <br />to tune, by representatives of the parties without formal approval of the parties as long as such <br />alterations and the Warne of the representative au~.ori~ing such alterations are docun.ented in <br />writing. <br />~. Prevision for Towwr~.. and daunt Surnrner an or Similar Pre erns: The <br />Fields m.ay be reseed far a Tau~n ar bounty su~:nrner camp ar Tawn ar bounty pragr~r~, <br />during the months of June, July and august, when school is net in session, Such reservation <br />shall be made in uniting by the Town er Jaunty to the hoard of Education ar its designee, en er <br />before .~pril of the year in which tae Tawn or Jaunty proposes to conduct a c~np or pragrarns <br />at the School Site. It is understood that the Fields gill require periods when activities will net be <br />scheduled in order to provide time far turf rejuvenation, Reservation and use of fields will be <br />scheduled accordingly, <br /> <br />