Orange County NC Website
procedure far use of school facilities bynon-school entities in effect at the time off' the proposed <br />use of the ~"ields. The parties understand and agree that the Town and the Jaunty will work <br />together to coordinate prora~~ning of the use of the Fields when school is not in session and <br />that the Town will be the lead entity far progran~n~ing such use and cansrnunicating with the <br />hoard of Education regarding the same. <br />The Board of Education, the bounty and the Town will make the soccer Melds available <br />far use on a Fall weekend each year far a con~mua~ity festival far the hispanic population, <br />provided that the event be scheduled at least sixty (60) days in advance to allow for program <br />p1~ng by the Town, and the bounty. Minor alterations in the schedule far use of the Melds <br />use m.ay be made, from time to tune, by representatives ofthe parties without farrr~al approval of . <br />the parties as long as such alterations and the name of the representative authari~ing such <br />alterations are documented in writing. <br />4. utilities Maintenance and ~J kee <br />The Board of Education shall be responsible far, and shall bear the full cost of, upkeep <br />and. routine maintenance of the Melds, including sad and in~.gation facilities. :however, casts <br />associated with e~traardinary maintenance and repair of the portion of ~~.e irrigation system <br />servicing Field fib, including labor, supplies and materials, shall be divided equally the <br />parties. The Board of education will not undertake or contract for such extraordinary <br />maintenance and repairs of ~"ield b without the prior consent of the Town and the bounty. <br />~a} As set fo~h in paragraph 1 ~a}, the Town and the bounty, or either of them, may, <br />at their awn cast and expense, install and maintain lights at and or mare of the ~`ields. The party <br />or parties installing lights at the ~iel~~s~ shall be responsible far the maintenance and upkeep of <br />the light system. The Board of education nay use the light system, provided that the Board of <br /> <br />