Orange County NC Website
1. ~anstr~uction of n .Additional recreational Field b the ward of Education: <br />The Board of Education plans to improve existing recreational and athletic fields and to construct <br />neu~ fields at the S~.ith ~ii.ddle School site. By this Agreement, the Board of Education agrees to <br />construct an additional recreational field on a pardon of the smith Middle Schaol site, v~hich is <br />situated in fide Tom of ~arrbaro. The additional recrea~anal ~.eld and the general location at <br />the site of all plar~,ed fields are more particularly depicted as fie/ds n~bered ~, 3~ fib, and ~ an <br />the ~Jverall Site ~`lan annexed to this Agreement as Schedule ,~. The additional field is <br />specifically one of the tea soccer fields and is identified an schedule A as Field fib. ~ub~ect to <br />and contingent on the Board of Education obtaining such gavern~aental approvals, permits, and <br />funding as ~.ay be rewired by applicable state and local lames and ordinances for the construction <br />of the recreational fields, the recreational fields which are the subject of the Agreement <br />collectively referred to herein as the "Fields") are a so~ball~baseball field Schedule A, Field 1, <br />two soccer/practice fields (Schedule A, Fields 3a and 3b) and six (6) tennis courts (Schedule A, <br />Field ~}. <br />It is the inten~on of fine Board of Education to complete construction of the Fields and <br />begin use thereof at the earliest passible time. ~ this connection, irrigation systen~~ and sod are <br />plar~ed far installation an recreational Fields 1 and 3a. The Board of Education agrees to install <br />an irrigation system. and sod on Field 3b, the cost of such installation to be paid by the Board of <br />Bduaation. In consideration for these i~nprovenents, Feld 3b ~vlll be available far use by the <br />Board of Education dig all days that Schaol is in session m.til the end of the regular school <br />day. The parties agree that Field 3b shall be available for Ta~~n and bounty use camn~encing at <br />~:~~ p.. an days that school is in session. <br />f <br /> <br />