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~e~1 aces ~e. 7~ f'rgcv~.d.~ ~4~ ~. b . carree.h~r~ -tb ~ b~ +-b-ts ~ . <br />Orange County Personnel Rules and Regulations Manual Effective Date: 5/1/2010 <br />equal, sepazation decisions shall be based on relative efficiency as defined <br />below. <br />3. Relative efficiency shall be determined from the review and comparison of <br />employees' performance evaluations on record for the last completed <br />work cycle and from any formal disciplinary action brought against the <br />employee during the preceding 12 months. <br />G. The Human Resources Department will review the RIF Plan with the list of <br />affected employees and determine if there is any potential adverse impact on <br />employees protected under state and federal equal opportunity provisions. The <br />Director of the Human Resource Department shall notify the County Manager, or <br />other hiring authority, of any potential adverse impact on employees. <br />H. Notice to Employees. After the Boazd of County Commissioners approves the <br />RIF Plan, the Human Resources Department shall give all affected employees <br />scheduled for sepazation written notice of the reduction in force at least thirty <br />days in advance of the date of separation. In the case of cazeer state employees, <br />such notice shall include information on their priority consideration status and <br />applicable appeal rights. The notice shall include the anticipated effective date of <br />separation. The employee notice shall be given as soon as possible but not less <br />than 30 calendaz days before the scheduled separation date. The Department <br />Director of the affected employees shall also receive a copy of the notice. <br />Concurrent with or subsequent to presenting the notice to the employee, the <br />appropriate Department Director shall discuss with the employee scheduled for <br />separation the reasons for the action and the employee's rights and responsibilities <br />under this policy. <br />I. Vacation Leave. An employee may elect, subject to approval by the County <br />Manager, to exhaust vacation leave after their last day of work or be paid in a <br />lump sum for the balance not to exceed 240 hours. If an employee had over 240 <br />hours of vacation leave at the time of reduction in force, the excess leave shall be <br />reinstated if the employee is reemployed within one yeaz. <br />J. Sick Leave. Employees sepazated due to reduction-in-force shall be informed that <br />their sick leave shall be reinstated if employed in the County within five yeazs. <br />K. Appeal of RIF Sepazation: The sole issue in an appeal of a RIF sepazation is <br />whether the sepazation is based on alleged discrimination on account of the <br />employee's age, sex, race, color, national origin, religion, political affiliation, or <br />handicapping condition. Such an appeal may be made through the County's <br />Grievance Procedures. <br />This Policy will be effective: <br />Frank W. Clifton, County Manager <br />Issue Date: July i, Zoos Draft Page 5 <br />