ORD-2010-041 Amendment to Article IX, Section 3.2, Reduction in Force of the Orange County Personnel Ordinance
Board of County Commissioners
Ordinance 2010-2019
ORD-2010-041 Amendment to Article IX, Section 3.2, Reduction in Force of the Orange County Personnel Ordinance
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Last modified
3/13/2019 3:09:16 PM
Creation date
4/22/2010 8:55:45 AM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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Agenda Item
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Agenda - 04-20-2010 - 7b
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Orange County Personnel Rules and Regulations Manual Effective Date: 5/1/2010 <br />particular course of action, and the specific positions scheduled for abolishment or <br />redesign of positions. The following factors maybe addressed in the development <br />of a reduction plan: <br />1. Impact on Program Objectives <br />2. Impact on Service Delivery <br />3. Funding Sources and Budget guidelines <br />4. Potential adverse impact on employees protected under state and federal <br />equal employment opportunity provisions <br />5. Possible redistribution of staff and other resources <br />6. Composition of the affected work force <br />7. Economy and efficiency <br />E. Department RIF Plan. Department Directors shall provide a plan that identifies <br />potential programs, work units, positions or classes of position that may be <br />reduced to assist the County Manager in developing the Countywide RIF Plan. <br />Once programs and position to be reduced are identified, the Department <br />Directors with affected positions, using the criteria in Section F below, shall <br />provide a recommendation to the County Manager of which employees will be <br />retained and which will be laid off. The RIF Plan will be forwarded to the Human <br />Resources Director for further review. The Department RIF Plan shall include the <br />following elements: <br />1. A copy of the reduction plan, <br />2. A list of the employees scheduled for separation and their appointment <br />status; and <br />3. The anticipated effective date(s) of such separations. <br />F. Separation of Employees. Implementation of a reduction plan requires the <br />involuntary separation of employees with permanent appointments, the following <br />factors shall be considered: <br />1. Type of appointment shall be the first determining factor when separating <br />employees. No employee with a permanent employee appointment in an <br />affected classification shall be separated while there are employees who <br />are either temporary, probationary or trainees in their initial six months of <br />training working in the same classification any place in the Department or <br />work unit implementing the RIF. <br />2. Length of service shall be applied after type of appointment and shall be <br />defined as total county service according to this Personnel Ordinance. An <br />employee with less seniority shall be separated before a more senior <br />employee in the same classification unless there is a documented material <br />difference in the employee's relative efficiency. When the length of <br />service of two (2) or more employees in the affected classification is <br />equal, separation decisions shall be based on relative efficiency as defined <br />below. <br />3. Relative efficiency shall be determined from the review and comparison of <br />employees' performance evaluations on record for the last completed <br />Issue Date: July 1, zoos Draft Page 4 <br />
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