Orange County NC Website
A-f-~a~hm~errrr .~.._ ~'~~ - aol~ - o~--I <br />Orange County Personnel Rules and Regulations Manual Effective Date: 5/1/2010 3 <br />~.xo ~ a.,oiD <br />Article IX, Section 3.2 Reduction in Force <br />L ORDINANCE <br />~b <br />3.2 It is the policy of the County to maintain as stable an employment workforce as <br />possible. In the event that the Board of County Commissioners determines a <br />reduction in force is necessary such as for a shortfall in funds, shortage of work, <br />abolishment of a position or other material change in duties of the organization, <br />the County Manager, or other hiring authority, may separate an employee. <br />3.2.1 Retention of employees in the affected classes shall be based on <br />systematic consideration, and at a minimum the following factors shall be <br />considered: the type of appointment, the length of service, the relative <br />efficiency, and actual or potential adverse impact on the diversity of the <br />work force. <br />3.2.2 When a Reduction in force is necessary, the County Manager shall <br />develop a reduction plan. The plan shall document the reasons for the <br />reduction in force, the factors considered in deciding the particular course <br />of action, and the specific positions scheduled for abolishment or redesign. <br />3.2.2 The duties performed by an employee laid off may be reassigned to other <br />employees already working who hold positions in appropriate classes. No <br />permanent employee (those who have satisfactorily completed a <br />probationary period) will be laid off while another person is employed in <br />the same or related class in a temporary, probationary or a trainee position, <br />unless the permanent employee is not willing to transfer to the position <br />held by the non-permanent employee, or the permanent employee does not <br />have the knowledge and skills required to perform the work of the <br />alternate position within a reasonable period of orientation and training <br />given to any new employee. <br />3.2. The County Manager, or other hiring authority, shall be authorized to <br />develop appropriate alternatives to the reduction in force to ,void possibly <br />la offs that improve or maintain County services. Possible alternatives to <br />e reduction in force include, but are not limited to, transfer or <br />reassignment of employees to vacant position within the County in the <br />same, related or lower class, separation of employees in temporary, <br />probationary or trainee positions, eliminating overtime hours, job sharing, <br />and reducing work hours. <br />3.2.4 Length of servic~s defined as length of service with Orange County and <br />includes any time in which the employee may have been deployed on <br />Military Leave as described in Article IV, Section 15 of this Personnel <br />Ordinance while with Orange County. <br />Issue Date: July 1, Zoos Draft Page 1 <br />