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oR~p-a~~a ~~s~l <br />,4c~r~a <br />~h <br />Interlocal agreement subject to approval by the County Attorney. If grant funds are not <br />received, a modified proposal may be developed for subsequent Board consideration. <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that he would like to see the agreement before it is <br />executed. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />b. Amended Article IX, Section 3.2 Reduction In Force of the Orange Coun <br />Personnel Ordinance <br />The Board considered approving an amendment to the Orange County Personnel <br />Ordinance Article IX, Section 3.2, Reduction in Force ("RIF"). <br />Human Resources Director Michael McGinnis was with Staff Attorney Annette Moore <br />and Organizational Development Manager Katherine Cathey from Human Resources. He said <br />that the County Commissioners have the most recent revision of a draft for rules and <br />regulations related to this item. He said that a reduction in force has been and will remain a last <br />resort. He said that all have been working closely with the Manager with options to avoid RIF. <br />He said that they have put together another retirement incentive and they are looking. at <br />eliminating vacant positions. The policy has not been amended since its inception. The <br />language in the current policy is limited and vague. Attachment 2 included the new language <br />for the policy. He said that the new language does not change the Board of County <br />Commissioners' authority to determine whether or not there should be a reduction in force, but <br />it holds the Manager capable and responsible for developing the process by which that would <br />occur. <br />Frank Clifton said that the problem with not having a policy is that if the State acts after <br />the Board of County Commissioners adopts its budget and if there needs to be further <br />reductions, then this will allow the Board to move forward with this option. He said that he will <br />present a balanced budget by the middle of May and it will probably not make anyone happy. <br />Commissioner Gordon made reference to the first sentence in 3.2.3 and said that the <br />statement, "layoffs that improve or maintain County services," is confusing. It sounds like the <br />layoffs have something to do with improving or maintaining County services. <br />Annette Moore suggested the following language:. "The County Manager, or other hiring <br />authority, shall be authorized to develop appropriate alternatives to layoffs." <br />Commissioner Yuhasz suggested taking the phrase, "to avoid possible layoffs," and <br />begin the sentence with that phrase. <br />The Board agreed. <br />Commissioner Jacobs thanked the staff for giving staff more notice of a reduction in <br />force. Annette Moore said that this makes it consistent with the State policy. <br />Commissioner Jacobs made reference to the front of Attachment 2, IV-B, and the last <br />line, "eliminating overtime hours, job sharing, and reducing work hours." He asked about the <br />ordinance that was changed last year regarding furloughs. Annette Moore said that furloughs <br />could be an alternative, mandatory or voluntary. It is one of the tools that the Manager can use. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Hemminger, seconded by Commissioner Yuhasz <br />to approve an amendment to the Orange County Personnel Ordinance Article IX, Section 3.2, <br />Reduction in Force ("RIF"), as amended. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />8. Reports -NONE <br />9. County Managef's Report <br />Frank Clifton said that they are continuing to work on the budget as they move forward <br />toward May.. He said that there was a department head retreat last week and they brought in <br />