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Y Y 708 <br /> -4• ' ..... . - - <br /> 2v <br /> 3. <br /> 4. had been open and that everyone had been permitted to speak at <br /> 5, those meetings. The Board noted that Commissioner Walker had refused <br /> �. to serve on that Task Force; Commissioner Walker said he had not <br /> 7. bsen permitted to make an appointment to that Task Force. The Board <br /> said the appointee list had come from Agricultural Extension Service <br /> 9. and the Board of Commissioners had appointed the list intact. <br /> ?G. Commissioner Gustaveson moved to add Commissioner Walker to <br /> �1. that "Implementation Committee" and to make that part of his original <br /> 12. motion. Commissioner Whitted seconded the motion. <br /> 13, Ms. Josephine Barbour spoke regarding this topic, saying she <br /> thought there should be a public hearing on the Task Force Report. <br /> ,5. Commissioner Walker asked Ms. Barbour if she would be willing to <br /> �6. serve on the "implementation committee;" she said she would be, <br /> 17. saying she had attended at least half of the meetings of the Task <br /> Force. Commissioner Walker offered an amendment to Commissioner <br /> 19. Gustaveson's motion, to have Ms. Barbour serve on that Implementation <br /> -.,r' Committee, along with himself. <br /> 21. The Board noted that this would change the selection criteria <br /> 22. for the subcommittee; Ms. Barbour was not a member of the original <br /> 23. Task Force. Commissioner Gustaveson did not accept the amendment on <br /> 24. those grounds. <br /> 45. Ms. Barbour said this Task Force's meetings were the most open <br /> 26. she'd ever attended, saying everyone was given the chance to talk. <br /> 27. Commissioner Walker asked to withdraw his name and have Ms. <br /> 28. Barbour serve in hi`s stead. Commissioner Gustaveson said Commis� <br /> 29. sioner Walker was being appointed as the Board representative and <br /> 30- Ms. Barbour had not been a member of the original Task Force. <br /> 31, Commissioner Whitted called a paint of order. Commissioner <br /> .:326 Whitted noted there was a motion on the floor and called the question. <br /> -33- Commissioner Willhoit seconded the called question. <br /> 34- Commissioner Walker withdrew his name from consideration of <br /> 35. appointment to the "Implementation Committee" because of the "lack <br /> 36. of cooperation from this Board in not allowing me appointments." <br /> 37. Commissioner Barnes, saying .it was not the intent to exclude anyone <br /> 380 <br /> 39. <br /> LO. <br />