Orange County NC Website
7 <br /> by the County Attorney, and authorized the Chair to sign the agreement; and authorized staff to <br /> receive the CJPP grant funds and to proceed with an appropriate budget amendment to reflect <br /> receipt of the funds; and authorized staff to enter into a continuation agreement with Freedom <br /> House Recovery Center contingent upon receipt of CJPP grant funds in the amount requested or <br /> in an amount which would be modified in direct proportion to the amount actually received, and <br /> authorized the Manager to sign the agreement. <br /> e. Lease Renewal — High Rock Solid Waste Convenience Center <br /> The Board approved the lease renewal for the period of July 27, 2010 through July 26, 2015 at a <br /> monthly cost based on the escalator clause of the initial lease and authorized the Chair to sign <br /> the renewal agreement on behalf of the Board. <br /> f. NC State Firemen's and Rescue Squad Annual Certification Roster <br /> The Board approved the certification requirements fro the life safety branch manager and staff to <br /> participate in the North Carolina State Firemen's Association for the year 2010 and authorized <br /> the Chair to sign. <br /> Second Reading: South Orange Rescue Squad, Inc. Emergency Services Franchise <br /> Ordinance <br /> The Board granted on Second Reading a franchise by ordinance for five year terms to South <br /> Orange Rescue Squad, In. for Emergency Medical Basic Life Support and Rescue Services; <br /> authorized the Chair to sign the Franchise Ordinance; directed staff to discuss and enter into an <br /> Operations Agreement with South Orange Rescue Squad within 90 days that identifies the <br /> subcategories under which SORS will be permitted to operate the Emergency Medical Basic Life <br /> Support and Rescue Services Franchise based on the needs of the County and the capacity and <br /> capabilities of SORS as well as to provide for the Daily operational functions of SORS as it works <br /> within the Orange County Emergency Services System; and after the Emergency Services <br /> Director negotiates the Operations Agreement with SORS, authorize the County Manager to sign <br /> the Agreement subject to review by the County Attorney or his staff. The granting of the <br /> Franchise Ordinance is conditional upon successful completion of the Operations Agreement <br /> within 90 days of acceptance of the Franchise Ordinance by the SORS. <br /> h. Fiscal Year 2009-10 Budget Amendment #8 <br /> The Board approved budget and capital project ordinance amendments for fiscal year 2009-10 <br /> for Department of Social Services, Library Services, Conservation Easements Capital Project <br /> Ordinance, and Technical Amendment. <br /> i. Retirement Incentive Program <br /> The Board approved the offering of an additional Retirement Incentive Program for FY 09-10 to <br /> reduce the number of positions in the County prior to July 1, 2010 for employees who have been <br /> employed by Orange County for 10 or more years and are eligible to retire under the NC Local <br /> Governmental Employees Retirement System. <br /> L Boards/Commissions/Task Forces to be Dissolved <br /> The Board approved the dissolved list of boards, commissions, and task forces which are no <br /> longer active because their charge has been completed. <br /> VOTE ON CONSENT AGENDA: UNANIMOUS <br /> 5. Items Removed From Consent Agenda - NONE <br /> 6. Public Hearings <br /> a. North Carolina Community Transportation Program (CTP) Administrative and <br /> Capital Grant Application for FY 2010/2011 <br />