Orange County NC Website
7 <br /> The Board conducted an annual public hearing on the North Carolina Community <br /> Transportation Program grant application by Orange Public Transportation for FY 2010-2011, <br /> and considered approving the grant application that includes adopting a resolution authorizing <br /> the applicant to enter into an agreement with North Carolina Department of Transportation, and <br /> authorizing the County Attorney to complete the necessary certifications and assurances and <br /> authorizing the Chair to sign. <br /> Department on Aging and Transportation Director Jerry Passmore said that this is part of <br /> the Transportation Division and this contributes to grant fees. This item requires a public <br /> hearing. One public hearing notice was posted in English and one in Spanish. The total amount <br /> of the request is $395,025. This is broken down into administrative funds of $185,525 and <br /> capital items for light transit buses (two) of $209,500. <br /> There was no public comment. <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Hemminge, seconded by Commissioner Nelson to <br /> close the public hearing. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Hemminger, seconded by Commissioner Nelson to <br /> approve the Community Transportation Program Grant application for FY 2010-2011 in the total <br /> amount of $395,025 with local match of $48,779 (acceptance of the grant will be subject to FY <br /> 2010-11 budget considerations); and authorize the Chair to sign the Community Transportation <br /> Program resolution and annual certified statements of participation. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> COMMUNITY TRANSPORTATION PROGRAM RESOLUTION <br /> Section 5311 <br /> FY 2011 RESOLUTION <br /> Applicant seeking permission to apply for Community Transportation Program funding, <br /> enter into agreement with the North Carolina Department of Transportation, provide the <br /> necessary assurances and the required local match. <br /> A motion was made by (Board Member's Name) and seconded by (Board Member's Name orN/A,if not <br /> required) for the adoption of the following resolution, and upon being put to a vote <br /> was duly adopted. <br /> WHEREAS, Article 2B of Chapter 136 of the North Carolina General Statutes and <br /> the Governor of North Carolina have designated the North Carolina Department of <br /> Transportation (NCDOT) as the agency responsible for administering federal and <br /> state public transportation funds; and <br /> WHEREAS, the North Carolina Department of Transportation will apply for a grant from the US <br /> Department of Transportation, Federal Transit Administration and receives funds from the North <br /> Carolina General Assembly to provide assistance for rural public transportation projects; and <br />