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Commissioner Hemminger said that she is very supportive of the additional parking. This <br /> is a big safety issue and needs to be addressed. <br /> Commissioner Gordon asked why this was not planned better and why it was in Phase 2. <br /> Lori Taft said that the additional parking planned for the school campus is there and their lot for <br /> the County is only for 40 spaces. <br /> Frank Clifton said that there was supposed to be an agreement with the schools for <br /> parking but it never materialized. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs said that he has always been supportive of the soccer complex but <br /> he has some of the same concerns as Commissioner Gordon since the County is supposed to be <br /> watching all of its expenditures during this budget process. He is also concerned that everything <br /> is not nailed down. He remembers having conversations with the school system about the <br /> facilities being used in tandem. <br /> Commissioner Pelissier said that she is concerned about safety but if this parking lot was <br /> planned for Phase 2 of the soccer center, then would any additional parking have to be built for <br /> the school. She also wants to pin down all of the information. <br /> Lori Taft said that she thinks it would solve the majority of the parking problems. In the <br /> case of large tournaments, these will be scheduled way ahead. She said that this is a good stop <br /> gap measure. <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Hemminger, seconded by Commissioner Yuhasz to <br /> approve a revision to the approved Master Plan for the Eurosport Soccer Center and authorize <br /> construction of the expanded Phase 2 parking lot using existing capital funds. <br /> VOTE: Ayes, 5; Nays, 2 (Commissioner Gordon and Commissioner Jacobs) <br /> i. Schools Adequate Public Facilities Ordinance (SAPFO) — Receipt and <br /> Transmittal of 2010 Annual Technical Advisory Committee Report <br /> The Board received the 2010 Annual Report of the SAPFO Technical Advisory Committee <br /> and considered transmitting it to the SAPFO partners for comments before certification in May. <br /> Commissioner Gordon said that the Board is only supposed to review this tonight, not <br /> give final approval. This will also be sent to the towns. She asked what would be an appropriate <br /> date to get a more complete report back from the schools and some suggestions on how to <br /> proceed for the Pre-K classroom issue. She said that each school system has Pre-K classrooms <br /> and sometimes space for K-5 will be used. CHCCS was particularly concerned about the <br /> implications of that. She wants to make sure there is a date nailed down to come back with a <br /> more complete report. <br /> Shannon Berry said that CHCCS will discuss this in March. She will ask OCS for a date. <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Gordon, seconded by Commissioner Nelson to ask <br /> that the Board of County Commissioners get a complete report back in April before the meeting <br /> with the school boards. <br /> Commissioner Yuhasz asked about the obligation for providing Pre-K space. Shannon <br /> Berry said that the school construction standards have one classroom. Frank Clifton said that he <br /> would research this. <br /> Commissioner Gordon said to include this in her motion. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs asked Commissioner Gordon why it is important to get this back <br /> before the meeting with the school systems. Commissioner Gordon said that she wants to have <br /> it so that they can discuss it. She will leave it up to the Chair and Vice-Chair to say if it should be <br />