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4 <br /> 2e <br /> 3. <br /> 4• the County take over sponsorship of RSVP from the Tbum of Chapel H111. <br /> 5• The Board noted that if it chose to assure. RSVP under the County's mantle, <br /> 6. that did not mean it would be able to assuage full-funding of RSVP; the ?owns <br /> 7. of Chapel Hill and Carrboro, it is hoped would continue to fund RSVP. <br /> 8• The Board asked Ms. Huey if the County's Senior Citizens' Board would <br /> 9. be able to serve as the Advisory Board of RSVP; xq. Huey said if 'ha of <br /> 10. the Senior Citizens' Baird was' senior citizens, yes, she thought it could. <br /> 11• Commissioner Wil7hoit moved to agree in principle to County Sponsor- <br /> 12. ship of RSVP program with the staff to return with regard to the particulars <br /> 13• of benefits for the two employees affected; Commissioner Gustaveson seconded <br /> �4• with the addition that staff also check into the question of the advisory <br /> r <br /> 1�• board and who might serve. <br /> 16. Commissioner Gustavescn added another friendly amendment, accepted <br /> �7• by Commissioner Willhoit, that until a vacancy was available on the <br /> 18. County's senior Citizens' Board, the Chair of the RSVP Advisory Board sit <br /> 19. bas officio on the Senior Citizens' Board. <br /> 20. Commissioner Wil hoit amended his nation further to make the sponsor- <br /> • ship effective January 1, 1982; Commissioner Gustaveson's second stood. <br /> 22• Vote: Ayes, 4, noes, 0. <br /> 23° Agenda Item 10: Clarification of Fee Schedule for EL&min <br /> 24' Commissioner Wil7hoit moved, seconded by Commissioner Gustaveson, to <br /> 5. accept the Planning Department Is reoagmendation with regard to the fee <br /> 26. schedule for planning (see page of this book for xecwmendation and <br /> 27° schedule). Vote: Ayes, 4; noes, 0. <br /> 28. Agenda Item 11: Public Hearin Scheduled <br /> 29. cmydss c»r Whi tted moved, seconded by Commissioner Barnes, to <br /> 30. hold a public hearing on the naming of remaining State maintained <br /> 4 <br /> 31• roads on October 20, 1981, at 7:30 P.M. here in the Cb=-dZsioners' Room. <br /> 32• Voter Ayes] 4; noes, 0. <br /> 33. Agenda Item 12: Discussion of HB 405 <br /> 34° Commissioner Barnes said this Bill. was passed in the legislature <br /> 35. (it deals with the care of the elderly) but no funds were appropriated <br /> 36° for its implenmtation. Commissioner Gustaveson moved, seconded by <br /> 37° Commissioner Barnes,. to send a letter from the Board to Dr. Mrrow in- <br /> 38° dicating Orange County's interest coupled with a lack of funds and asking <br /> 39. <br /> 40. <br />