ORD-2010-012 EMS Second Reading: Amendments to the EMS Franchise Agreement
Board of County Commissioners
Ordinance 2010-2019
ORD-2010-012 EMS Second Reading: Amendments to the EMS Franchise Agreement
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Last modified
3/13/2019 3:01:24 PM
Creation date
4/19/2010 3:13:50 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
Document Type
Agenda Item
Document Relationships
Agenda - 02-02-2010 - 6a
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\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\2010's\2010\Agenda - 02-02-2010 - Regular Mtg.
Minutes 02-02-2010
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11 <br />i. A written statement showing that applicant meets the eligibility <br />requirements established by the North Carolina Association of Rescue and <br />Emergency Medical Services, Inc for the type of level of service being <br />requested. <br />j. Any information the County shall deem reasonably necessary for a fair <br />determination of the capability of the applicant to provide rescue services <br />in the County of Orange in accordance with the requirements of state laws <br />and the provisions of these regulations. <br />VI. GRANTING OF FRANCHISE <br />6.1 Prior to accepting application for the operation of any service, the Boazd of <br />Commissioner may designate. specific service areas as franchise districts. Said <br />districts will be established using criteria that include geographic size, road <br />access, the location of existing medical transportation services, population, and <br />response time. The Commissioners shall have the authority to redistrict or <br />rearrange existing districts ay any time at their discretion. <br />6.2 An applicant may apply for a franchise to operate an ambulance service, <br />emergency or convalescent, rescue service, or Medical or First Responder Unit or <br />any two or all three. If more than one (1) service is to be provided, an application <br />must be filed for each service. <br />6.3 Upon receipt of an application for a franchise, the County shall schedule a time <br />and place for hearing the applicant. Within 30 days after hearing, the County <br />shall cause such investigation as it may deem necessary to be made of the <br />applicant and his proposed operations. <br />6.4 A franchise may be granted if the County finds that: <br />a. The applicant meets both county and state standazds in addition to the <br />standards outlined in the franchise ordinance; and. <br />b. The proposed service will fit within the existing services so as not to <br />adversely affect the level of service or operations of other franchisees to <br />render service; and <br />c. A need exists for the rendered services in order to improve the level of service <br />available to the residents of the County helping to assure the provisions of <br />adequate and continuing service which preserves, protects, and promotes the <br />public health, safety and welfaze and that granting the franchise is a cost <br />effective and reasonable manner of meeting the need. <br />Page9ofl8 <br />
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