Orange County NC Website
4 <br />order to prevent loss of life or further aggravation of physiological or psychological <br />illness or injury. <br />1.9 Emergency Management System or EMS. Emergency Management System or "EMS" <br />shall mean a coordinated arrangement of local resources under the authority of the <br />Emergency Services Director (including all agencies, personnel, equipment, and <br />facilities) organized to respond to medical emergencies and integrated with other health <br />care providers and networks including public health, community health monitoring <br />activities, and special needs populations. <br />1.10 Emergency Medical Dispatcher or Telecommunicator. The term "emergency medical <br />dispatcher" of "telecommunicator" shall mean an emergency telecommunicator who has <br />completed educational requirements and been credentialed by the Department of Health <br />and Human Services as an emergency medical dispatcher and who is available to ieceive <br />requests for emergency services, to dispatch emergency services, and to advise local law <br />enforcement agencies, fire departments, rescue squads, first or medical responder units <br />and emergency medical services and facilities of any existing or threatened emergency. <br />1.11 Emergency Medical Services. "Emergency Medical Services" means services rendered <br />by emergency medical services personnel in responding to improve the health and <br />wellness of the. community and to address the individual's need for emergency medical <br />care within the scope of practice as defined by the North Carolina Medical Boazd, in <br />accordance with G.S. 143-514, and the Orange County Medical Director in order to <br />prevent loss of life or further aggravation of physiological or psychological illness or <br />m]m'Y <br />1.12 Emergency Medical Services Instructor. "Emergency Medical Services Instructor" <br />means an individual who has completed educational requirements approved by the <br />Department of Health and Human Services and has been credentialed by that Department <br />as an emergency medical services instructor. <br />1.13 Emergency Medical Services Peer Review Committee. Emergency Medical Service Peer <br />Review Committee means a panel composed of EMS program representatives <br />responsible for analyzing patient caze data and outcome measures to evaluate the ongoing <br />quality of patient caze, system performance, and medical direction within the EMS <br />system. The committee may include physicians, nurses, EMS personnel, medical facility <br />personnel and county government staff as determined by the Emergency Services <br />Director in consultation with the County Medical Director. <br />1.15 Emergency Medical Technician (EMT). The term "emergency medical technician" <br />means an individual who has completed a training program in emergency medical caze <br />that has been approved for legal recognition by the North Cazolina Department of Health <br />and Human Services, in accordance with rules promulgated by the Medical Care <br />Commission,. has been certified as an EMT by the State of North Carolina Office of <br />Emergency Medical Services, ,and approved by the County Medical Director to perform <br />services as an EMT in the Orange County EMS system. <br />Page 2 of 18 <br />