ORD-2010-012 EMS Second Reading: Amendments to the EMS Franchise Agreement
Board of County Commissioners
Ordinance 2010-2019
ORD-2010-012 EMS Second Reading: Amendments to the EMS Franchise Agreement
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Last modified
3/13/2019 3:01:24 PM
Creation date
4/19/2010 3:13:50 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
Document Type
Agenda Item
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Agenda - 02-02-2010 - 6a
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\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\2010's\2010\Agenda - 02-02-2010 - Regular Mtg.
Minutes 02-02-2010
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12 <br />1 EMS Systems are also required to have the following components to assure medical <br />2 oversight of the system:- a medical director, written protocols for adult and pediatric <br />3 patients, and emergency medical dispatch system, an EMS Peer Review Committee <br />4 whose membership is defined in G.S. 131 E-155(6b) and written procedures for EMS <br />5 personnel to obtain on-line medical direction. Both the state statute and the North <br />6 Carolina Administrative Code continue to require the County provide oversight of <br />7 personnel performing responders services within the EMS system. <br />8 <br />9 So while fire departments are not required to have a franchise under the Ordinance, <br />10 state law and regulations do require that personnel who are first medical responders be <br />11 credentialed and comply with the policies, practices and protocols of the EMS system. <br />12 There were no substantive amendments to the sections governing EMS personnel (See <br />13 Section VII, Standards for Personnel). <br />14 <br />15 Frank Montes de Oca said that the Emergency Medical Services Advisory Committee <br />16 ("Committee") is not a citizens' advisory board; it is a technical advisory board. The proposed <br />17 members of the Committee, through their positions either as employees of Orange County or <br />18 through services contracted with the County have the medical responsibility either to the Board <br />19 of County Commissioners, the Office of EMS, the North Carolina Medical Board or the Board of <br />20 Health to oversee the medical health of persons within this EMS system. They are credentialed <br />21 and have the educational, technical and experiential background to recommend, make and <br />22 implement system wide medical improvements in the EMS System necessary to ensure ahigh- <br />23 quality, high-functioning medical care. The only proposed enforcement responsibility of the <br />24 Committee is to review stays of franchises, and after hearing evidence the Committee may <br />25 ether remove the stay, provide a recommendation for corrective action or forward a <br />26 recommendation to the Board of County Commissioners for termination or suspension of the <br />27 franchise. This does not in any way change what is currently or has been required of fire <br />28 departments within Orange County. <br />29 <br />30 Commissioner Gordon made reference to volunteer fire departments and said that there <br />31 is some language that might need to be changed to clarify the role of fire departments. <br />32 Annette Moore said that the fire departments have never been under the franchise <br />33 ordinance. Orange County does not have to grant fire departments a franchise in order for <br />34 them to operate. The County has a contract with the volunteer fire departments to provide that <br />35 service. As part of that contract, fire services, first responder, and extrication services are <br />36 included. She said that on February 16th, staff will bring back an amendment that specifically <br />37 excludes fire departments. <br />38 John Roberts made reference to Mr. Blake's comments about the fire departments not <br />39 being included and that it was done in secrecy and said that the fire departments were never <br />40 intended to be covered by this franchise ordinance. <br />41 <br />42 PUBLIC COMMENT: <br />43 Jeremy Browner said that he has had discussions with John Roberts about this <br />44 ordinance and whether sworn testimony will be allowed in a state hearing on the lift of a stay of <br />45 the Orange County Rescue Squad. He said that the OCRS still feels it is a necessity to have <br />46 sworn testimony versus unsworn testimony during the hearing to lift the stay that was imposed <br />47 by the Director of Emergency Services. He said that the other due process complaints of the <br />48 OCRS have been addressed. He said that the OCRS opposes the composition of the EMS <br />49 Advisory Board for the reasons he suggested at prior meetings. He said that the OCRS is <br />
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