ORD-2010-012 EMS Second Reading: Amendments to the EMS Franchise Agreement
Board of County Commissioners
Ordinance 2010-2019
ORD-2010-012 EMS Second Reading: Amendments to the EMS Franchise Agreement
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Last modified
3/13/2019 3:01:24 PM
Creation date
4/19/2010 3:13:50 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
Document Type
Agenda Item
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Agenda - 02-02-2010 - 6a
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\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\2010's\2010\Agenda - 02-02-2010 - Regular Mtg.
Minutes 02-02-2010
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aC:z ~a~° <br />10 " <br />1 a. Second Readina: Amendments to the EMS Franchise Agreement entitled <br />2 "An Ordinance Regulatinp Emerpency Medical First Responder and Rescue Service and <br />3 Granting of Franchise and Contracts to the Operators In the County of Orange" <br />4 The Board considered a second reading approving amendments to the EMS Franchise . <br />5 Ordinance entitled, "An Ordinance Regulating Ambulance and Emergency Medical, First <br />6 Responder and Rescue Services and Granting of Franchise and Contracts to the Operators in <br />7 the County of Orange," and authorized the Chair to sign. <br />8 Emergency Services Director Frank Montes de Oca said that On May 1, 1981 Orange <br />9 County enacted its first EMS Franchise Ordinance, "An Ordinance Regulating the Operation of <br />10 Ambulance Services and the Administration of Emergency Medical Assistance in Orange <br />11 County, North Carolina" (EMS Franchise Ordinance): On April 20, 1993, Orange County <br />12 repealed the original EMS Franchise Ordinance and enacted the current ordinance entitled, "An <br />13 Ordinance Regulating Ambulance and Emergency Medical, First Responder and Rescue <br />14 Services and Granting of Franchise and Contracts to the Operators In the County of Orange." <br />15 Since 1993, the EMS Franchise Ordinance has not been updated with 'any statutory or <br />16 regulatory changes'. In the intervening years and especially since the events of September 11, <br />17 2001 there have been changes in both state law and regulations as well as the practices, <br />18 policies, procedures, terminology, and the responsibilities placed on the County by both state <br />19 and federal government governing the services provided by the EMS Franchise Ordinance. <br />20 <br />21 The amendments updated the EMS Franchise Ordinance making it consistent with the existing <br />22 authority mandated to the County by state law and regulations including, but not limited to, the <br />23 following: <br />24 <br />25 1. North Carolina General Statutes Chapter 131 E, Article 7 <br />26 2. North Carolina General Statutes Chapter 143, Article 56 <br />27 3. North Carolina General Statutes section 153A-250 <br />28 4. North Carolina Administrative Code, 10A NCAC 13P .0101 et seq. <br />29 . <br />30 The Board at its meeting on January 21, 2010 voted 6-1 to approve the amendments to the <br />31 EMS Franchise Ordinance. North Carolina General Statute §153A-45 provides that in order for <br />32 an ordinance to be adopted on its first reading it "must receive the approval of all the members <br />33 of the board of commissioners. If the ordinance is approved by a majority of those voting but <br />34 not by all the members of the board... it shall be considered at the next regular meeting of the <br />35 board." <br />36 <br />37 The history of Board actions on these amendments to this Ordinance is as follows: <br />38 <br />39 This matter first came before the Board on December 7, 2009, the Board voted to delay <br />40 the item. Prior to the meeting, both the Orange County Rescue Squad ("OCRs") and <br />41 South Orange Rescue Squad's ("SORB") attorneys were given a copy of the <br />42 amendments to the EMS Franchise Ordinance. OCRs came before the Board at the <br />43 December 7, 2009 meeting and presented a letter in opposition to the amendments. <br />44 Specifically, OCRs was opposed to the composition of the EMS Advisory Committee <br />45 and the due process provided in the Ordinance.. The attorney for SORB had no <br />46 concerns about either the EMS Advisory Committee or the due process requirements. <br />47 The Board asked the County Attorney to review the letter presented by OCRs prior to <br />48 acting on the Ordinance. <br />1 In January 2009, extensive revisions were made to l0A NCAC 13P .0101 et seq <br />
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