Orange County NC Website
o A defined scope of practice for all EMS personnel functioning in the EMS system; <br />o Written .policies and procedures describing dispatch, coordination and oversight of <br />all responders that provide EMS care; <br />o Written policies and procedures for the EMS System's EMS Care data for the <br />daily and on-going management of all EMS System resources; <br />o A written continuing education program for all credentialed EMS personnel, <br />developed and modified based on feedback from system EMS Care- data, review <br />and evaluation of patient outcomes and quality management peer review that <br />follow the guidelines of the US DOT NHTSA First. Responder Refresher "National <br />Standard Curriculum» for medical responder personnel; and <br />o Written policies and procedures to address management of the EMS System.2 <br />The Department of Health and Human Services may .deny, suspend or revoke the <br />approval of an EMS System for failure to comply with the requirements set forth above.3 <br />EMS Systems are also required to have the following components to assure medical <br />oversight of the system: a medical director, written protocols for adult and pediatric <br />patients, and emergency medical dispatch system, an EMS Peer Review Committee <br />whose membership. is defined in G.S. 131E-155(6b) and written procedures for EMS <br />personnel to obtain on-line medical direction.4 Both the state statute and the North <br />Carolina Administrative Code continue to require the County provide oversight of <br />personnel performing responders services within the EMS system. <br />So while fire departments are not required to have a franchise under the Ordinance, <br />state law and regulations do require that personnel who are first/medical responders be <br />credentialed and comply with the policies, practices and protocols of the EMS system. <br />There were no substantive amendments to the sections governing EMS personnel (See <br />Section VII, Standards for Personnel). <br />The Emergency Medical Services Advisory Committee ("Committee") is not a citizens' <br />advisory board; it is a technical advisory board.. The proposed members of the <br />Committee, through their positions either as employees of Orange County or through <br />services contracted with the County have the medical responsibility either to the Board of <br />County Commissioners, the Office of EMS, the North Carolina Medical Board or the <br />Board of Health to oversee the medical health of persons within this EMS system. They <br />are credentialed and have the educational, technical and experiential background to <br />recommend, make and implement system wide medical improvements in the EMS <br />System necessary to ensure a high quality, high functioning medical care. The only <br />proposed enforcement responsibility of the Committee is to review stays of franchises. <br />And after hearing evidence the Committee may ether remove the stay, provide a <br />recommendation for corrective action or forward a recommendation to the Board of <br />County Commissioners for termination or suspension of the franchise. This does not in <br />any way change what is currently or has been required of fire-departments within Orange <br />County. <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT: None <br />z See l0A NCAC 13P .0201. <br />s l0A NCAC 13P .0701(1)(1) <br />a l0A NCAC 13P.0401 <br />