Orange County NC Website
17 <br />North Carolina for every vehicle owned and/or operated by or for the service <br />providing for the payment of damages: <br />a. In the minimum sum of $1,000,000 for injury to or death of individuals in <br />accidents resulting firom an cause for which the owner of said vehicle <br />would be liable on account of liability imposed on him by law, regardless <br />of whether the vehicle was being driven by the owner of his agency; and <br />b. In the minimum sum of $1,000,000 for the loss of or damage to .the <br />property of another, including personal property, under like circumstances, <br />in sums as may be required by the State or as approved by the County of <br />Orange. <br />c. The insurance coverage minimum limits required in subsection (a) and (b) <br />of this subsection shall be reviewed annually by the Orange County <br />Department of Emergency Services, in Consultation with the County <br />Attorney and Orange County Risk Manager. Such insurance coverage <br />shall be revised as deemed appropriate and as directed by the Orange <br />County Department of Emergency Services. In directing a change in <br />insurance coverage, the Orange County Emergency Services Department <br />shall consider the risk needs protected by this insurance coverage and the <br />availability in the marketplace of the coverage amounts to be required. <br />SECTION XII. RECORDS <br />12.1 Each franchise shall maintain the following records: <br />a. Records of Dispatch -Shall show time call was received, time dispatched, <br />time arrived on scene, time arrived at destination, time in service, and time <br />returned to base. <br />b. Trip Record -Shall state all information required iri Section (a) In addition to <br />information on a form approved by the County. The trip record shall be so <br />designed as to provide the patient with a copy thereof containing all required <br />information. <br />c. Personnel Checklist and Inspection Report - Shall list contents and <br />description of operation for each vehicle, signed by the individual verifying <br />vehicle operations and equipment. <br />d. Any other records required by state law, rules or regulations or deemed by the <br />Department of Emergency Service as relevant to the effective and efficient <br />operations of the Emergency Management System. <br />Page 13 of 18 <br />