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9 <br />•~ <br />- information grid coordination fer all state agency recycling and waste reduction <br />efforts. <br />(3} 'I`he Divisions ttf Auxiliary Services and Facility 1Kanagemec-t of the Department <br />of Administration shall facilitate state agencies` recycling efforts as part of their <br />regular fisnepons, which include but are, not limited to overseeing contracts for <br />or providing waste hauling Aad housekeeping services, and operating the Slate <br />Surplus Prapesry Agency. <br />(4) As provided in this Order, the Division of lurchase at-t3 Contract of the <br />Department of Admi:tistrition shalt aggressively Gxplare apportutiities for <br />purchasing products having recycled content fn place of those not having r+ecyalea <br />canter~t, and shall actively promote the purchase of recycled products by state <br />agencies and others eligible to purchase items from start contracts. <br />Sec i SCXIRCE RED~IC'I'IaN 4~ V'+IASTE <br />(a) general r~ujFemenrs <br />To encourage reduction of waste at its source, all state agencies shall review their <br />operations to determine where solid wash can be reduced at its sources of gety~atian. <br />Spedfic measures state agencies shall employ to reduce waste at the source include but <br />are not limited to those identified in this Stction. <br />(b) Prin~'ng snd p,~ ocoovine <br />State agencies shall avoid unnecessary printing or photocopying of printed materials, end <br />shall require two-sided t~pying on all documents when feasible and practicable. All new <br />photocopy machines purchased shall have duplexing capabilities if their capacity is rated <br />