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1,3 <br />_ (~) i e . <br />d. <br />'i'he Division of Purchase and Contract and the Office of Waste Reduodon shall develop <br />guidelines far minimum ccatent standards for recycled products purchased by state <br />agencies. <br />(d) ~partmgntai Review <br />Stattr agencies that have ~ delegated purchasing authority shall review their existing <br />apecificatians to ensure that they do not carttain restrictive language or other bamars to <br />purchasing recycled products, uNess such specifications are necessary tsa protect public <br />health, safety, or weIfaze. <br />Section d. F.EPORTING <br />(a) Stake- A~*,ency Annual Ram <br />On at least ari anreual~ basis, beginning October 1, 1994, each atato agestcy shall report <br />to the Office of Waste Reduction far the gre`rious fiscal year the following infortnatian, <br />at a minimum: activities nr pragrama implemented to reduce the amount of waste <br />generated by the agency; amounts and types of recyclccl prcducts,ptcr~chascd; and amounts <br />and types of materials collected for recycling by the agency. <br />(b) Annual Process Repnrt to ~3~ or <br />The Offce of Waste Reduction, in canjuriction with tiia Department Qf Administration, <br />shall provide guidance to agencies for preparing their annual reports. The Office shall. <br />compile tha agency reports and provide an annual report to the Governor an progress by <br />state gavrrnmettt agencies in source reduction of waste,.,rtcycled products procurement, <br />and coAectton of recyclable materials,. <br />