Orange County NC Website
.n• _ ,. <br /> <br />~.. <br />(2) Product speciiications shall be written to encourage vendors to offer products <br />having recycled content. When products having recycled content are offered that <br />aze comparable in quality, availability, and Brice tQ products not having recycled <br />content, term contacts shall ~ only the recycled products. ' <br />(3) Term contracts shall be written in a format that prominently identlfles products <br />having recycled content, and these products shall tie listed in coajunctioa with any <br />comparable products that do not have recyc~l content, to eaabls agenraes tQ <br />ready identif~r the availability of these products. The Division of Purchase and <br />Cortttact shall prepare a listing of eIl recycled products available on sate <br />contracts on a acmi-annual basis, and make it available to all potential purchasers <br />to increase awareness of opportttrlitles to purchase recycXcd products. <br />(b) Recycled ,Paper <br />(1) Stave agencies are directed to purchase and uSC recycled paper for all letterhead <br />atatioaery, reportr, memora:tda, and other documents when feasible and <br />practicable. All new photocopiers purchased sha11 have the ability to use <br />xerographic paper having at least 5p9b recycled content_ <br />(2) State agencies shall attempt to meet the following go21s for the percent of the total <br />dollar value of au paper and paper products purchased having recycled content: <br />Fiscal Year 1993-94: at Icast 2S ~; <br />Piscal Year 1494-95: at least 359b; <br />fiscal 'Year 1995-96: at least 456; <br />Fiscal Year 149b-97: at least 55%; <br />' 12 <br />Fiscal Year 1997-98: at least 65 ~ , <br />