Orange County NC Website
e <br />e <br />e <br /> <br />3 5~~ <br />Agenda Itan 7: Riveredc~e subdivision <br />Mr. Eddie Kixk, of Planning Staff, made the presentation to the <br />Board regarding Riveredge Subdivision. Coannissioner Willhoit moved, <br />seconded by Ccnmissianer 4~iitted, to refer this subdivision back to the <br />Hillsborouc~ planning ward with the question of whether or not that Plan- <br />ning Board had ocnsidered the potential impact this subdivision might have <br />on Iaks Ben Johnson. The Planning Director was instzucted to write such . <br />a letter to the Aillsbarough. Planning Board expressing the Board of Ccm- <br />missioners' carioerns and to share the Hillsborough Planning Board's cents <br />with this Hoard. Vote: Ayes, 4; noes, 0. <br />Agenda Item 9: Building Pee s~-r~,~~e <br />'12~e Planning Director, Mr. Jim Polatty, presented the srhedu].e to <br />the Boatid, stating that Alternative 3 was Planning Staff's reca~unendation. <br />He further said he hoped to cross train inspectors and thereby cut costs. <br />The Board voiced conoern over the costs of construction, noting the cum- <br />mulative effect of various costs, i.e. subdivision fees, Health Depart- <br />ment fees and the number of inspectors needed. <br />Cumussioner Willhoit moved adoption of ~,~h_a._n; ~a 1 Fees in Schedule <br />J and K, in Alternative 1; Ca~d.ssioner G~staveson seccmded the motion. <br />Voss: Ayes, 4; noes, 0. (See page of this book for those fees). <br />Commissioner Willhoit moved, seocnded by C[mnissioner Gustaveson, <br />adoption of the ~ditional Inspection Fee, Alternative 1 ($20.00). Vote: <br />Ayes, 4; noes, 0. <br />Cata~issioner WiLlhoit moved adoption of the Miscellaneous Inspections <br />that do not fa11 within the inspecticm fee at the $20.00 rate; he with- <br />drew his motion. <br />Commissioner Willhoit moved, seed by Ccannissioner C~astaveson, <br />adoption of Alternative 1, Schedule AHC and D. Vote: Ayes, 4; noes, 0. <br />Zt1e Planning and Finance Directors were asked to prepare a fiscal <br />analysis of what "these regulations, mist of them frc¢n the State, are <br />ocsting people to develop and to build" and how that ~ ~*x3s to what <br />the County is subsidizing and what the individuals are asked tv contri- <br />bute. Ms. Battern and Mr. Polatty were also asked to the County's <br />costs with those costs of other counties and towns and the impact of those <br />costs with regard to total costs, development costs. health depaz-tm?nt <br />fees and tying antc various water and sewer lines. <br />