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9 <br />Fiscal 2001-02 Solid Waste Budget <br />According to the responsibilities delineated in the Interlocal Agreement, the SWAB is to provide <br />advice to the Manager and Commissioners in the development of the annual budget and the <br />setting of fees. Given that the SWAB will have limited knowledge of Solid Waste budgeting and <br />financing matters, it is likely that considerable time will be involved in this task. <br />Transfer Station Development <br />A transfer station will be required to manage mixed solid waste (MSW) once the existing MSW <br />landfill reaches capacity. (Siting issues related to this facility will be discussed under Facilities) <br />The facility will need to be ready for operation in late calendar year 2006. Given the <br />approximately three years necessary to design, permit, construct and obtain the necessary <br />transfer equipment, staff recommends that this work begin in calendar year 2003. It is assumed <br />that the SWAB could have a role in the design phase of this work. Development of the transfer <br />station is planned to be funded from reserve funds currently being set aside for this purpose. <br />Department Assumption of Multi-Family Collections <br />Recent analysis of taking this program in-house as opposed to continuing with existing <br />contracted collections showed acost-savings of about $450,000 minimum over a six year <br />period. Beyond the six-year period, the savings are greater due to the up-front costs involved. <br />Staff believes that not only would this change result in cost savings, we also believe it would <br />result in a higher quality of service, more accurate records of collection tonnage, and more <br />operational flexibility within the array of services we now offer. <br />Staff recommends discussing this issue with the SWAB and if they agree, presenting this <br />service change in the Fiscal 2001/02 budget for BOCC consideration. <br />Items Not Included in Recommendations for SWAB <br />Several items were not included in the staff recommendations for the SWAB workplan. They <br />include: <br />• C&D Disposal Facility <br />This issue has been the focus of considerable discussion by elected officials, including the <br />BOCC, over a period of several years. Currently there is one potential site under consideration. <br />Staff believes that the BOCC has considerable information and knowledge of this issue to deal <br />with it directly. <br />• C&D Recycling <br />Given the scope of the other items recommended items in the SWAB workplan, we recommend <br />that the BOCC likewise deal directly with the recommendations from the C&D Recycling Task <br />Force. As part of the suggested SWAB orientation, a copy of the Task Force Report would be <br />provided so that they are familiar with it. <br />6 <br />