Orange County NC Website
8 <br />Materials Recovery Facility <br />Staff believes, and the County's Integrated Solid Waste Plan reflects, that a Materials Recovery <br />Facility is essential to any effort to achieve high waste reduction goals. Considerable effort has <br />been expended over the past two years, including the assistance of an experienced consultant <br />and the involvement of county elected officials (through the LOG), toward examining the <br />concept of a MRF. This effort included examination of ownership options, building size, <br />materials to the handled, environmental controls, tonnage capacity, etc. Staff proposes that the <br />SWAB be brought up to date on this work and conclude the analysis .(with the assistance of the <br />MRF consultant) and prepare a recommendation as one of their first assignments. The BOCC <br />may also request that the SWAB recommend a site for a MRF. <br />Note: It is likely that the original consultant's budget would require supplementing given the <br />need to repeat much of the previous work and conduct several additional meetings. Once staff <br />knows BOCC intentions, we can estimate what this additional cost may be. <br />Increased Collection <br />Once the BOCC has received the MRF recommendation from the SWAB, staff suggests that <br />the SWAB be asked to immediately proceed to the next significant aspect of the plan, the <br />creation of recycling programs for the Orange County commercial sector. We believe that this <br />sector which is now underserved and that there are sizable quantities of recyclables that remain <br />to be diverted from disposal. In addition, significant expansions would be necessary in the <br />residential and multi-family sectors.. Developing recommendations regarding levels of service, <br />collection methodologies, types of equipment and containers, etc. are essential to this .aspect of <br />the plan. <br />Organics Management <br />Food and other organics waste management are another topic of interest and would be <br />essential to address if we are to meet our goals. Staff proposes that organics management <br />options be explored once the fundamental materials processing and collection issues are <br />addressed. Options could include composting for which many options exist and are in need of <br />exploring. <br />A key element of the county's solid waste management plan would be completing accurate cost <br />estimates and preparing a financing strategy. (Staff will discuss financing in another agenda <br />item) However, staff would suggest, based on the considerable work to date by the Alternative <br />Finance Committee, that the BOCC deal directly with this issue. While the Alternative Finance <br />Committee did not prepare a final report, staff believes it had very nearly completed its <br />evaluation of financing options and had reached some preliminary conclusions on the most <br />viable alternatives. Staff believes it could more effectively complete this issue working directly <br />with the BOCC, given the previous involvement of 2-3 current BOCC members rather than <br />begin anew with the SWAB. It may, however, be advantageous for the SWAB to review the <br />final staff recommendation. Staff recognizes that it would be essential for the SWAB to work <br />with staff to develop accurate cost estimates to accompany all recommendations regarding the <br />plan. <br />